I don't think that you should remove vote system but just, for example, set a maximum limit of votes per player and per map ( like 2 votes for example ) I already saw this on an other server and it worked very well. Votes are useful for players when there are no admins online.
But, I think you should only let .votekick for players because if you allow default to use .votemap it will be bad and they will keep changing map every second ( because of kids who dunno how to play).
Moreover, It would be a good thing that Tusted players has the right to call a vote for change maps and command for change map too ( I think that if you are accepted in trusted group, you need to be trustworthy and show example so in my opinion i think we are enough responsible to care with that command and not abuse: only chnage map when map is stuck for example or when there is a too big map for a few number of players).
That's all , thanks for reading.