Beiträge von Hoopik
+1 for sure
..remix doesnt need even app, because hes remix -
[font='"courier new", courier, monospace']+1 [/font]From Little Hoop. xD, Saw him alot times on CJ hes improving alot, nice to talk with him in czech also in eng xD.
oOOOOOOSHIT damn, dayum Nice app Bird +1 from me, ull be always welcome here from me :3
Well, i think girrafe is good guy, fun with him (i hate him too xd) +1 From me.
BTW: STFU girrafe xd -
+1 From me, absolutely sure. Moug is very good player (no skill meant also, but also ye skill too[hes pro] xd) and fun with him on server(s), Since i met him no problems with him
+1 +1 +1 +1 ©3xP'Hoop
Fine guy, fun play with him i +1 xD
I've reinstalled windows but still fps drop... one second= one fps drop,
FIX = Alt Tab to desktop then alt tab to game. -
Ok the bug is btw amd catalyst and intel hd graphics. when both installed screen blink twice after third blink it goes to bios.... same as image i put b4
well now i removed both gpu drivers and installed only intel video driver it works but im without Amd driver xD i think it will do bios thing again when i try to install amd driver
thats so complicated
ive tried but still bios thingie
in safe mod it works good. When i remove intel hd graphics i can normally start system but if i install any other version after restart same... bios blue death xD
Ok ill try it later have to download overdrive but the thing is i removed all graphics drivers and now if i install intel driver utillity after driver installs i need restart but.... got blue death... so i will reinstall windows i guess.. Bios dont like the driver
but b4 izlt worked fine.. photo
well tried to find temperature of graphics : failed.. every tool shows 0
or nothin.. theres screen of HW thing, just quick screenshot when got drop -
yea got new ssd hdd and +4 gb ram b4 thats all
laptop build is: Intel core i5 3230M ivy bridge 22nm technology 4cores 2.60Ghz
8Gb Ram dual channel, AMD Radeon HD 8600/8700M idk why but cant see speed of graphics in cpu-zi can only see intel hd graphics 4000
thats bad guys its even not driver's false still drops with newer drivers
when got drop cpu temp is 74C motherboard 74C too but when alt+ tab to desktop it goes CPu 63C motherboard 68C storage has 27C... i dont think so its temp failure
ill try driver passed 10 mins at temperature is 68C of cpu, and motherboard 58 when playing cod lol so failure is somewhere else.... ram usage is stable 48% ill try reainstall driver as i said b4 xD ( Srry for my eng.. it sucks)
jack i have win7 64 bit i dont think so its ram issue cuz i have 8gb ram its enough i guess itll be some temperature failure or drivers false.. idk now gonna check temperature ill post it there.
Yo guys, i have problem... after i've reinstalled windows like 2 months ago. When i start cod 4 got stable 500 fps but after like 5 mins instead of 333 i have like 328 and after more time it goes lower and lower 320 280 240...
but if i do ALT+TAB out of game and back to game its again stable.
Any idea how fix it ?ty for any kind of help (not like buy new pc !
xD its op nice work noob
yo i think youre a good guy +1 from me, but he havent got 100+ hours yet... idc xD here is his time at the test :