Who would want to have WRt out of Roll the Dice'''???
[COD4] Plz take WTF out of roll the dice???
- S1ndr0m
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There is a reason it's there ..
RTD would be a pure boost if there werent any risk to it like WTF ..
and that would make it too imbalanced ..No risk, no fun
ja ich denke das der WTF!? gut ist veil das ist die ganze sache beim roll the dice
It's there for a reason before there was a risk between 500xp to a WTF!? now they put it to 250xp but that has no point to this but it's there to have fun if it wasn't there then all we'll be getting 250xp, 3 - 5TK's, JetPacks, and other stuff.
[Das wäre ja wie: Nehmt bitte die Möglichkeit zu verlieren aus "Wer wird Millionär" raus]
[It would be like: Please take the possibility to loose out of : "Who to Be a Millionaire" (glaube so heißt das da)] -
*Who wants to be a Millionaire
Since the Thread is very old and there is no
need for a discussion here ..#closed