Freedom of speech is the concept of being able to speak freely without censorship. It is often regarded as an integral concept in modern liberal democracies. Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as public Liberty, without Freedom of Speech; which is the Right of every Man, as far as by it, he does not hurt or control the Right of another. And this is the only Check it ought to suffer, and the only bounds it ought to know. This sacred Privilege is to essential to free Governments, that the Security of Property, and the Freedom of Speech always go together; and in those wretched Countries where a Man cannot call his Tongue his own, he can scarce call any Thing else his own. Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Fteeness [sic!] of Speech
respect my rights as an American.
I ask to be unbanned without being silenced by 2 3xp members I will not name. I ask to be unbanned. I play dont play codjumper often, but when I do i obviously gravitate towards a server with population because I see myself as a social person. I dont find fun in playing codjumper alone. So after quite some time, maybe even close to a year or longer. Id like to be unbanned from 3xp. Thanks for reading.

Unban request
- Heat
- Geschlossen
- Erledigt
Im sry, i think its the best for 3xp to not unban you, because of the things you have done in the past. For us its a risk we do not want to take.