Hello thank you for your quick response.I'll bring you a screenshot.Screenshot by LightshotWhat did you do before you got banned: Shooting/Strafing/Camping/Random Shooting/Bouncing? Nothing i'm playing deathrun normalyIs/was your game laggy or was the server laggy: No.Do you have a good pc: I have gamer computerDo you have a high ping: nope, 50-80Map: a new death run map ..Position on the map: i don't know because, i don't have been kicked from the server.. Do you use special scripts/bind like autofire/mousewheel shooting/tap fire/reponse trigger/fast shoot/weapswitch/...: nothing

- Ly_SharK
- Erledigt
Thank you,
Sorry, it annoys me to be banned by mistake ... it's been a year that I play at home and I would like to continue ... look I does not lie ..: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Well there is no ban on that account you linked what i can see..
Ly_SharK, in your previous post you had posted a screenshot regarding a different GUID...
ybjyU2S.pngThe banned GUID is: 05827dab
although the one you've linked is: a6465374 which is not banned. 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player DetailsIf you're using cracked keys (Key-gen) that is possibly why that key/GUID is banned.
The GUID which has been banned seems as it's a cracked key as it's been used in varies country's.Jayme
omg, Actually my key was changed I do not know why or how, and this should be the problem, I'll check it
Merci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Je suis unban!<3
Désolé pour le double post -
Merci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Je suis unban!<3
Désolé pour le double post
It's okay
Don't worry about the double post, just remember for future posts.
Thank youJayme