Wi-Fi problem

  • Hey guys, i need to check if someone has the same problem as i do.

    Problem is in wi-fi.
    When i turn on laptop its working fine for some time and then it stops working. It doesnt rly stop working
    but i get disconnected and under wi-fi signal its writen "Limited" (instead of connected).
    When i turn off (wi-fi) and then on, connection appears and after some time i got "Limited" again.
    I tried updating drivers, checking power options, restarting wi-fi adapter,troubleshoot problems,,,
    some of this works but its temporarily and i get "Limited" again after time.
    I know for sure that problem is not with ruter (cuz other laptop is working fine)
    Problem is on Asus x552m with windows 8.1


    Thx for reading, i hope someone can help me :/

  • Try upgrading to windows 10 :P


  • Have you tried with another DNS?

    For example you can use googles dns..

    I found a guide here How To Change DNS Servers in Windows 8 or 8.1 [Easy] ..the dns that are filled in the box in the picture are googles dns. which are as preferred and as alternative.

    But before doing that i would first remove the network from that laptop and then add it again and restart your router.
    sometimes typing "ipconfig /release" and then "ipconfig /renew" in command prompt has solved internet problems for me.

    Have you tried with the wifi-adapter in your other laptop? did it worked there?

  • Oh shit that dislike xD
