Hawkieboy's CJ-team application :P

  • HawkSlayerr's CJ-team application!

    in game name(s):

    I mainly play as hawkslayerr


    19 February 2000(I'm either 14, or 15, depending on when u're reading this)

    Some hard maps completed:

    mp_dark_v3 [hard], mp_sunset(2nd to last bounce to finish) [hard] (<-OS); mp_bouncer_training, mp_peds_propel, fungal hazards,
    Mistic_v2, DESCENT_v2[hard] :D (<-nonos)
    Pizzahutev2 [hard] (with cut heheh)

    Gap records:

    I do not gap much, but I've done 370 and 315.... And 1337 with grav gun :D


    English and some spanish.


    Born in canada, I live in the u.s
    Mountain Time Zone (UTC-07:00)

    Why join?:

    I'd like to join the 3xp cj team because I rly like the community and i would like to contribute to it to make it better (botw, speedruns etc), plus there's great ppl here. ^.^


    3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details

    -I have 10-20 hrs on test server as well.
    (I know I don't have many hours, this is due to the fact that I'm rarely allowed to play on weekdays, and during the weekends I can only play a limited amout of time, -> plus sports and school and timezones. But I do not go inactive randomly for long periods of time, unless I die)

    Introduction and gaming past:

    So ye, I'm a chill human. .I have talked to some of u guys before, in ts and in steam, and y'all seem pretty cool and nice. As u can tell I'm mainly an os jumper^(No h8 ;.;) but sometimes I play nonos. I ABSOLUTELY suk dick at distance bounces ;.; I like cj, dr, pm, csgo, and I play soccer(football) outside of gaming. As well as track and field.. Currently, I haven't been allowed to play much due to grades :/, but once I get them bak up I'll be a load more active :D. The clan I'm in is pXg, (not a cj clan). And I love kitties <3
    So ya that's a bit about me, wait one more thing that's kinda important. I've got a Mac :/ which means I cannot:
    /devmap cj maps
    So the only way I can get demos is if somebody specs me and /records while I'm iN Server. :(
    Ok enough XD .
    Sry if app is too long I tried to cut it down.

    contact me:
    Steam: j_ross_mitchell
    Skype: (If I put it viruz will remove so I'm not gonna :>)
    Xf: hawkslayerr
    YouTube (cj vids): Cuddle Kitty :D
    - YouTube

    I 'ave thoroughly read and examined the rules and commands of the server, I promise not to break them.

    If mirko's wondering I played osu once or 2wice, and I sucked :( so I don't rly play anymore. But I do play csgo

    -hwak :D

  • I see various problems,

    the first is, arent you still in pxg? multiclaning is not allowed. (missed to write that in app process)

    the second is you cheated in lot of cj videos, and you still cheating in cj videos but from what i know u still say you dont cheat.
    I saw a vid were u did a very hard skip in sunset hard with a low timed rpg and not rly smoove strafe..

    Your application is detailed and nice

    From what i know about you character i can say you are nice and social and help people on cj, so it makes me sad that i have to
    give u a BIG -1 for your app cause of your cheating stuff.. i dont want that 3xP gets this image.

    This is not a final decision, its just my personal oppinion at the moment.



  • one vid was mistakenly cheated :( (which is took down)
    and I said I won't cheat anymore.

    also I can leave pXg.

    Again, sry for that cheated vid, it was the past and I cannot change the past;.;