Hi everyone
Ingame name: TiGr
Country: Russia
Age: 29
Your hardest Map you finished out of this list: dark/dark_v2/woodland/oerba
Your gaprecord with and without rpg: RPG:370 Norpg: 312
Why you want to join 3xP' Codjumper-Team: Nice clan with good jumpers so i thought why not be a part of it.
And some more text about you: I started CJ when you could land top of mp_backlot, that was amazing :D.
I know many old and new guys. I created the uNreal clan but it was crashed because all members were inactive.
Then i married and took a pause for 3 yearsbut now im back and i still love cj

TiGr's Codjumpers Team Application
- Accepted
- TiGr
- Geschlossen
Hey tigr,
Nice to see your interest in our codjumper team
I have some questions,
Can you post me a link to your steam profile?
Are you more a stockmap jumper or a custom map jumper?
And contact me/deleted User/drizz when u want to do the skilltest
Hey Viruz. I only play custom maps & sometimes stock. My steam akk is tigr57 but i dont use it. xf tigr37rus / skype [Removed by Expert]
Hey TiGr,
U accomplished the Skill test,
But we want to get you known a bit more and
and as our playtime requirement on the 3xP' CJ Servers is playing 100h on our cj servers,
and until now you only reached 31h playtime,we will let your application open and decide when you got over 70h playtime =)
Hope your interest will stay,
Hello Viruz. No problems
Sexy Tigr
This russian guy is a fantastic jumper and hopefully a good father
Welcome to the team Tigr!