Your reallife first name: Marco
Current ingame name: mrk
Your age (with birthdate): I'm 18
Servers you play on: give me an ip and I will join I'm actually playing in your servers..
Games you play except CoD4/Minecraft/DayZ: I play a lot of games, my Steam's Library is full of games..
Why you want to join our clan: I would like to join because I'm searching for a team of cod4 after that I've been away for like 2 years..
Esport experiences: I'm played in a lot of LANs in Milan, but then I've chosen for other kind of works, now I'm back and let's see what will happen..
CoD4 stats page profile link ( I think that it is this one:
If you have any other question, feel free to ask me whatever you want, you can already find me on the TeamSpeak 3 Server too.
EDIT: P.S. - Thank you ons| Dom , he has been very polite in the teamspeak 3 server.