Deathrun Color & HUDs

  • Hello All.

    I am having a suggestion for the server. I've been looking at this for a few days, and it's really annoying.

    It might be that you guys like blue really much, but with all the different blue's in the Deathrun server, it's really confusing to see what is what.

    Haha, it's not a really big problem, but it's just a little annoying.

    And the second thing, are the HUDs in the server. The hud of: the amount of coins you have, is on the lower left side of the screen, but the rest of the HUDs are on the right top. It might be handy to move them together to let it make more sense.

    Here is an image of the color problem:

    And here is the HUD problem:

    I know, both are not a real big problem, it's just the 'Finish in touch.'

    This was just a suggestion, do what you want with it. :whistling_1:


    Headdy :love_1: