PC's 3xP' Application [Member] (ons:open application/response after new rootserver)

  • Hello my name is Connor and I will be applying for member for 3xP Servers.
    To start off im 16 years old.I was born on 8-9-96 [August 9]. I have been in school lately and trying to finish up may not be on alot till spring.
    I have been playing 3xP for about 9 months and been friend rank for about 5-7 months. Alot of clan members and masteradmins know me from the servers. I mostly play Deathrun. I go on nuketown to watch for hackers and or Promod Sd. I rarely go on KTK server but will watch more on it, while I can ban the hackers. I do have TS3 and talked to a few members [duffman, fr33g and bass]. I figured since i been friend on the servers for a very long time I would apply for clan member as some members/players been wanting me to apply. Well happy to finally apply for member. If you don't understand this much I will remake it. Thank you so much for reading this app if you need more information just ask.

    Heres how you can contact me

    Xfire: propc

    Skype: godspowers

    Steam:N/A :troll:

    Bye thanks again

    - PC :PC:

  • Hi PC,

    thank you for your interest in our clan.
    At the moment we have a lot of work, because of the new rootserver, which will be online in few day. That is why I ask you for your patience. We will answer your application as soon as possible.
    If you have any question or missunderstandings, do not hesitate to contact us via teamspeak3.

    kind regards,

  • Honestly this should be a no-brainer :biggrin_1:

    PC is one of the top players in your servers, he is dedicated, trustworthy, and awesome overall. He is really fun to be around and never breaks the rules. From playing with him plenty of times I realized that he is outgoing and honest. He has also been friend for months NOW! HE WILL BE a really great 3xP' Member! This is my opinion of PC :D <3 :thumbup_1:

    -Le Expert [Trusted]

  • Hello PC,

    thank you for your insterest in our community.
    Unfortunately we have to reject your application because it does not fit with our terms of admission (>=17 years old).
    If you have some questions about this topic, do not be shy to ask the admins in TS or in the board.

    Kind regards,