Clan Membership (BlaZe)

  • Clanmember? 9

    1. No (5) 56%
    2. Yes (4) 44%
    3. abstention (0) 0%

    Hello there 3xP' community, BlaZe here, again. I realized I should give another shot on joining your community/clan. As you know, I'm now 18 (6th of February), I live in Bosnia and now, I installed TS, so you can expect me there every once in a while. I'm active on your servers (Deathrun, Nuketown, sometimes KTK and Sniper Promod). If this does mean anything, I am skilled, I usually play with AK-74u and Bolt action snipers, also, I can strafe in deathrun. ^_^ I'm now in high school, so I dont have much time, but I try to finish all my jobs so I can come and play on your servers. On weekdays I play about 3-5h a day and on weekend, I play 5-7h. The reason I want to join your clan is; sometimes there are no online admins/trusted players so those who don't respect turns, rage, lagjump, dissrespect the rules, cannot get kicked. So since I'm active, I can set up a good gameplay most of the time. Also, I check the forum every day, seing new application and 'news'. I wouldn't warn/kick players without a reason or I wouldn't join just to kick, I would like to make people enjoy what they have on this server and make their ingame experience better. I have skype (olegdrag7), XFIRE (ugblaze), twitter (@olegdraganic, BlaZe) and TS. If you are not sure that my trust level is high enough, you can test it by putting me on trial, or talking to me on TS, XF or via PM. BTW. I had admin on 2 servers, Deathrun and TDM HC, so I stopped playing but I mostly warned players there or kicked. (only with a reason - WH, Aimbot, Roccat)

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    If you need anything else, please PM me with some of these network media-s.

    (and if you could, gimme the IP of the TS server, thanks)

    Yours sincerely, BlaZe. ;)

    Too lazy to have a signature... :bitchpls:

    Skype: olegdrag7

    XFIRE: ugblaze

  • Hi Blaze,

    thanks for your interest in our community.
    The 3xP-Community is pleased about your application for membership.

    The voting ends. Unfortunatly we have to reject your application, because of the negative result of the voting.

    If you require additional information, please feel free to contact us via teamspeak, too.

    Kind Regards,