My application for membership

  • Hello, my name is Beatz i used to be =PrO=Skrill3x so you might have seen me on your servers my name in real life is Jordan I'm from Killkenny, Ireland. My birth day is February, 2nd 1997. I want to join 3xP' cause I think I'll be a good member I don't abuse powers, and people. I go on TS when ever I can or get the chance and I'm nice to others. Why I think I'll be good: I think I'll be a good member cause I like to help others and teach them new stuff. I don't go on pro mod that often only 2 times a week or more, my favorite gun is aK74-U and M40A3 I don't rage if I do I leave the game. I only warn people if they break a rule I never kick. I broke the rules once but I faced the consequences. I played on 3xP' server for quite some time now since before the summer last year. I am ver active any way i hope you guys vote yes for me i have wanted the 3xp for a while and have admired your clan please accept me
