Beiträge von PANDAonPC
Heyo guys! I'm back to games and stuff but I had been a bit... ; busy... XDD
but I'm not dead or nothing, I've been mainly just trying to get though school and life in general but I had recently came back around to 3xP to see some old friends of mine
I really think of you guys as like a hybrid family and love you all
I'll stick around the forums and TS a bit but COD4 had kinda lost my interest and DOTA2 and CS:GO have taken it's place, I just wanted to make this for my return anyhow XD I'll see you all later!
Wellllllllll helllllloooo ladies and gents, My apologies for my ''prolonged'' absence
but I see people have been trying to revive this thread and I quite like this one myself so I want to rejoin this with my new ''BattleStation'' XD
New room, New Desk, New PC, New Headset, and New mouse got lots of upgrades since last time XD (still same shitty quality but you get the idea (I'd hope))
//Starting from the most recent ON
Turn the lights off so I can kill you all like the evil TTT traitor I am >:D
Turn the lights ON I've been raping for centuries
I've had enough for now
TS is awkward for me you guys scare me :O and I scare myself o.o (I've only talked to people I've actualy got acuainted myself with enough over game chat xD)
Garry's Mod is awesome!
TTT is the best, if only it was still in dev for cod ;__;
I will allow everyone else to rip this apart
Thank you all (those who bothered to reply and those who gave positive or +/- feedback) it means a lot
Alright thanks Bass for clearing that up, back to topic
Personal? lel I've told you guys it was the reasons I stated in my leaving post nothing personal it had to do with the entirety of the clan...
+ verbel attacking? how so?
++ I bet $9000 that people over the age of 16-17 definatly leave and join clans, its not EXTREAMLY uncommon for people to leave and rejoin clans or people to leave clans in general
(I really love this community but sorry if you disagree I'm just trying to defend myself) -
Alright let me address somethings
@Mriko: Force? (even if it was to persue real life, he still left)
Borrow: I did not leave due to Wing, admititly I was ofc. mad at Wing but that is not why I chose to leave, it was for the actual reasons that I posted but I realize I can't make people speak what I want them to speak I see that it is not just, also conserning the uninforment imo I felt uninformed maybe to you I wasn't but I see now as well that I can't always have the most recent info when ever I need/want.
ons: I understand but I WAS with the clan for about 3-4 months now and I feel I've done a great job at what I was doing and playing with as many clanmembers as were avalible in my time slots and I also love the 3xP' community it is the only community I've ever wanted to join.
Ravi: In my eyes I don't really see much of how it was "Disloyal" I've been with the clan for 3-4 months maybe even longer.... I think I've served for quite some time its not like I joined then left after 1 week or something.
Soooo is this a #Delcined in a nice way or something?
Ok first off I would like to formaly appologize for leaving the clan of 3xP' it was foolish and I acted rationaly and stupidly and my actions where more so un needed and I've thought for awhile my departure of the clan and I've decided I can't leave :crying_1: I've made to many awesome fwends here and I can't seem like I can leave them, (this is my REALLLLLYYY old app. from awhile back, with some new info/updated info in the [ ])
[Hello my name is Chandler I have been playing on 3xP Deathrun for fucking idk how long anymore xD* days I am *13* years of age and I think I am a respectable, repectfull person who could help monitor and be an asset to the 3xP community *I have some skill in normal gamemodes of COD4 as well as DeathRun*, as well as I belive I am a pretty social person with all other players as well as anyone eles also I am for the most part on for a while on the server because I have noticed that there is not always an admin to be on and help or etc. I would all ways offer any assistance to anyone in need. Please connsider what I have to offer to the 3xP community and if not I will fully understand.]
Key- ** =added for this new app
(not going to fully change the app I feel its to old and memerable to mess with :D)
the rest of my appliction shows from my time when I was apart of 3xP' , respecting my fwends here at 3xP' and those on the game servers my extensive play time (even if time zones ruin everything >.<) and other countless events and ocerances and etc., all though I can get frustrated and angry at times I hope you guys can understand that I try to settle down.
I know this hasn't been a very....normal application but this is just me saying my thoughts and stuff
but I hope you guys can see it that I feel like I'm now here to stay and would like to return to my natural habitat (see what I did there xD) other than that I will see you all in game
I'm not sure Aurel... not sure at all
EDIT: just realized I still need to keep the nabs @HC in line so I will mostlikly be @3xP game servers but I don't really feel like being on and having hackers ruin it and I have to yell for some one else to ban them and its a pain to do so, but I might be at the HC and I may not but we will see
No m8 I'm fine this is what I feel has to be done.
Hey everyone I've decided to resign from my position in 3xP' Its been a great run and I've had tons of fun and etc. but I've come to that I can no longer stay, language and comunication was a part of this choice I understand I can't make everyone speak what I want them to speak so this was the only solution I could come up with as well as not being informed enough between new members, servers going down unexpectedly (not by DDoS) etc. it was extreamly annoying to not be informed at all times what was going on. Third I can't be active enough with you guys because of time zones and blah so this is me formaly resiging my position as a member of the 3xP team I bid you all a farewell and I will miss you all and wont forget 3xP.