Beiträge von whysojoe

    Name: [s.g] Doge
    I have been playing Cod4 on Pc since 09'
    I have been playing your severs, especially Nuke town for god knows how long
    I currently play daily, always your severs unless they are empty.
    I currently play on a standard macbook with track pad, but I play quite well when I am zoned IN
    I am working on getting a gaming computer to use instead
    I know many of the members and love the 3xP community and would really love to become an Admin/Member
    In addition, The nuke town sever has many hackers join when there are large groups of people playing and scares away a large group of them, with how much I play I can effectively monitor the sever for you well.

    I want to join because I love playing cod4 pc and like I said play with your severs all the time, and I really love the fan base on 3xp, the community and players, and the servers. And as I said with me playing so Much I will help make sure the servers stay running smooth, keep rules under control and all hackers out. I have been playing with you guys for a long time just never got around to filling an app out. Now with me playing alll the time I figured go for it :). Keep up the good work on the severs guys!!
    And apparently I am good enough that I just got banned from a sniper server for Aimbot even though I don't even know how to install hax XD (Btw I was 65-6)