Beiträge von sta8is21

    Hi 3xP !

    I think most of you guys know me( by name )Some do since i've played with them :P

    Anyway, im here to apply for 3xP.
    After nova i decided to settle something for myself but since this didnt work out as i hoped it would.
    I thought it was time to settle down at a clan in which i could help out.

    So i hope i can help people and help the community in commen.

    About me: Im a 23 year(born: 22-12-1989) from Greece,try to do my outmost best when it comes to my english skills, obviously my grammar wont be that well, but i guess its understandable enough :Gusta:
    I do enjoy play deathrun,kill the king and cod4 in general. its hard to rate my own skill but i would say come check it out :wink_1:
    Besides cod4 i play some racing games and script and design some random work.

    Additional info:

    Skype:Statharas O Trelos OR sta8aras21

    I hope i did inform you enough and can be usefull in anyway :rolleyes_1: .

    Tnx for your time :thumbsup_1:


    Hi 3xP !

    I think most of you guys know me( by name ).
    Some do since i've played with them :P
    My name is MyrmidonZoB in real life is Stathis and I am from Greece,my birthday is December 22,1989.My favourite guns are AK74-U,Sniper and M9 if i use buggs or glitch at ktk or deathrun I will go out from the game until I understand what i do wrong.Thank you for listen me and I would to be a member.If you can just send me a E-Mail to my gmail ""

    Anyway, im here to apply for 3xP.
    After nova i decided to settle something for myself but since this didnt work out as i hoped it would.
    I thought it was time to settle down at a clan in which i could help out.

    So i hope i can help people and help the community in commen.

    Skype:sta8aras21 or Statharas O Trelos

    I hope i did inform you enough and can be usefull in anyway :rolleyes_1: .

    Tnx for your time :thumbsup_1:


    Edit by ons: i edit the sentence of the first application to complete the information and to be able to delete the other application.