Beiträge von Sr|Jakiee

    Okay so, this has happened on 2 other websites i've been on. Click Here
    And Here
    These have been succesfull and lets go for it on 3xP:troll: BTW if you dont know what this is basicly you just put random shit and have fun and crap, basicly a spam topic to see if u can do it :bitchpls:
    -Inb4 Some Admin becomes spoil sport and locks topic
    -inb4 ban for creating spam topic.
    -inb4 #removed and para make this into pr0n spam topic.
    -inb4 ban for being a nuisance
    -inb4 #Dealwithit & #YOLO & #SWAG

    Let's begin our awesome journey to getting this topic to 100+ pages!