Beiträge von LeFFuD

    Let us know you more by Answering these Questions ::..

    1-What is your name ? Tobi

    2-How old are you? 18

    3-What is your fav mod or core? Whuä?

    4-What is your fav gun and pistol? M40A3+Deagle

    5-**What is ur xfire & skype? ( so the other can add you..... you dont have to answer it...) xf: duket1337

    7-How many hours are you active on xfire? 123456789987654321 :thumbsup:

    8-Do you like 3xP and its servers? Yes

    9-Who is your fav friend or member or admin in 3xP? Trooper+Kenjii+Weed+LeffuD

    10-Who is your fav singer? Basti :thumbsup:

    11-**when is your birthday MM\DD\YY ((..... you dont have to answer it)) 11/05/94

    12-Who is your fav football team?

    13-Who is your fav player ? LeFFuD :thumbsup:

    14-how many years have you been playing CoD4? 3?

    15-What do you think is your skill lvl? (low +/-, med +/-, pro +/-) med+

    16-Do you think that your smart.....? No, iam a potato !!!! :thumbsup:

    Bitte lesen, bevor du dich bewirbst! | Please read first before applicating!
    Wichtiger Link! | Important link !

    Community Member:
    If you want to be a part of our community, please write a short sentence with the follo#removed basic information:

    • Why do you want to join our community?
    • Please give us your GUID/Steamname/etc. of your game, which you are playing on our 3xP' gameservers, and the admins will change your player rank to "Community Member".

    Clan Member:
    If you want to join the 3xP'Clan, please write a full application:


    • Das Mindestalter um Member zu werden beträgt 16 Jahre. Nicht 15 1/2, 15 3/4 oder 15 Jahre und 364 Tage.
    • Regelmäßige Anwesenheit im Teamspeak (IP: ist Pflicht.
    • Du musst Deutsch oder Englisch sprechen.
    • Dumme Personen sind nicht erwünscht.
    • Registriere dich im Forum und auf der Clanpage.
    • Die Bewerbung sollte als eigenes Thema verfasst sein, nicht als Beitrag in einem anderen Thema.

    Wenn ihr eine der oben genannten Kriterien nicht erfüllen könnt, erspart uns bitte die Mühe und bewerbt euch nicht, da die Chancen verschwindend gering sind angenommen zu werden.



    • The minimum age to become member is 16 years. Not 15 1/2, 15 3/4 or 15 years and 364 days.
    • Being in Teamspeak (IP: frequently is a duty.
    • You have to speak German or English.
    • Stupid people are not required.
    • Register in this board and on the clanpage.
    • The application should be posted in an own thread, not as a post in another thread.

    If you cannot comply one of the criteria please do not applicate because the chance to get accepted is very small.