Beiträge von WeeD
DuffMan how is that even possible?
dertom do you mean you lost conciousness during physical education?
and if so, did someone actively knock you out? -
Du kannst es selber löschen
He's a cool guy.
For me it will be a yes -
Wär super Duffi, danke! :thumbsup_1:
Ich fände es ganz praktisch wenn man nur noch Auto Assign machen könnten und das Team NICHT auswählen kann.
>Ich connecte auf den HC-Server, alles chillig, gut gelaunt, die Map is grad zuende, die Vollidioten voten für BROADCAST SD:PC:
>rage mode level 1 aber noch alles im Rahmen
>Ich klick auf Auto-Assign -> Defense
>Spiel geht los mir fällt auf, dass keiner neben mir steht obwohl bei der letzten Map noch mindestens 10 Leute drauf waren.
>Ich drück TAB -> 1 vs 9 :PC:
>rage mode level 10/10
>Ich change die Map
>Spamme den chat mit "balance" zu
>Die ganze Map lang steht Auto-Ausgleich auf dem Screen weil irgendwelche Spastis meinen immer Marines spielen zu müssen.:PC:
>rage mode over 9000!!!
>ragesmoking cigarette
>rageday -
i never said that you said that
Then where was the point in informing me about the procedures of our clan?
@visible I never said that he has to be 17 or whatever.
I beg your pardon.
I am 18 born on 12/14/1995
That means you're 17. -
1-What is your name ? Florian
2-How old are you? 18
3-What is your fav mod or core? codjumper
4-What is your fav gun and pistol? Awtomat Kalaschnikowa, obrasza 47
5-**What is ur xfire & skype? ( so the other can add you..... you dont have to answer it...)
7-How many hours are you active on xfire? 0
8-Do you like 3xP and its servers? sure
9-Who is your fav friend or member or admin in 3xP? everyone
10-Who is your fav singer? Björk
11-**when is your birthday 12/07/94
12-Who is your fav football team? SG 06 Betzdorf
13-Who is your fav player ? Manuel Neuer
14-how many years have you been playing CoD4? 3 1/2
15-What do you think is your skill lvl? low
16-Do you think that your smart.....? I'm too smart for that question
I am not going to vote on this one because i have to few information about you to decide responsibly.
Nevertheless you should consider buying a headset since you'd be our first step to meet the proportion of females of our Teamspeak Server.
oh and btw the listening and writing back never worked out in the past and is not going to work out in the future so you choose either to have conversation with us on teamspeak or just via in-game messaging, xfire, our board etc. which will be fine as well.So Long
WeeD -
I voted yes because of your appealing applicatiön, although you seem a bit bigheaded imho.
since you are most probably going to win the vote just remember that beeing a 3xP is not a greencard whatsoever.
So just make sure you keep your internet balls in you pants while dealing with the players on our servers.
I hope i didnt frighten you i just wanted to make this perfectly clear to you.So Long
WeeD -
chill noname es ist karneval jeder normale mensch ist gerade betrunken
hab auch eher negative erinnerungen an den guten noname + 14 YO = WUT?!
turn the lights on i got my sunglasses on and showed UFaced that he underestimated me.
turn the lights off im too damn high for this brightness
Cooler Typ.
Bin dafür