If everyone is talking about that in chat and if everyone can confirm it, he is boosting.
Beiträge von TRASHxBIN
Ok, i wanted to apply at 30.11.2012. Now it is 07.12.2012. Can i apply now (I can't wait
Ok i will do that, but one question: New topic or post here in the same?
I'm currently 16. 8 days till my birthday. And i read the Admission standards.I mistake cause my parents mistake
Sorry i got mistaken
(i always mistake at birthdays)
My real-life name: Stefan , i'm 17 years old (08.12.1995) , my in-game name (cod4): TRASHxBIN , my skype name: Stefan Milev , i live in FYROM (MAcedonia) , i play 4-8 hours a day , skill: RANDOM
. I'm interested in playing muliplayer games , so thats why i decided to join the 3xP' Clan.