Beiträge von ons

    Hi Grvty,

    unfortunatly I have to say, that your application is rejected.
    More than 50 % of our members did not give a positive feedback.
    That is why we dont think, that your character skills fit into our clan.

    If you have question about our decision, dont hesitate to contact us via teamspeak.

    kind regards,

    Hi Dominik,

    mit Freuden darf ich dir mitteilen, dass wir uns dafür entschieden haben, dir unsere Clanmitgliedschaft zu verleihen.
    Du warst die letzte Woche aktiv im Teamspeak und wir sind der festen Überzeugen, dass deine Charaktereigenschaften super zu unseren anderen Clanmitgliedern passen.

    Bei Fragen oder Unklarheiten zögere nicht Mirko oder mich anzusprechen.
    Gerne helfen dir bestimmt die anderen Admins bei Probleme mit den Servern.


    Hey BitchzR,

    thank you for your interest in our clan.
    Unfortunatly your application is rejected.
    If you have some questions about it, dont not hesitate to contact us on teamspeak.

    kind regards,

    Hallo Godlike,

    vielen Dank für dein Interesse an unserem Clan.
    Wenn du das nächste Mal online bist, joine unseren Teamspeak Server und gibt den anderen Mitglieder Zeit sich ein Bild von dir zu machen.
    Train- oder Clanwars sind immer gerne gesehen.
    In ein paar Tage werden wir dir dann unsere Entscheidung mitteilen.


    PS: @3xP Member, bitte bewertet die Bewerbung mit "Gefällt mir" oder "Gefällt mir nicht" um euer Feedback abzugeben. Danke =)

    Hi Gravity,

    thank you for your interest in our clan.
    Yes I said that you can apply again. If the most 3xP member give you a positive feedback, I can see that your character and teamplay skill fit into our clan.
    Otherwise it makes no sense to join our membership.

    Overview of 3xP member feedback
    yes: 0
    no: 5 (Yumekui, viruz, DaftLeech, Amnesia, Apo)

    Deadline 04.07.2014

    Well yeah i just tried to explain my reasons for reject. The german language is very direct. I will cogitate about the sentence and i hope you dont misunderstand it.

    if i only want to say "i am the leader etc etc", i wont take the time to write hugh text.

    Hi Grvty,

    thank you for your interest in our clan.
    Apo did a very good job tries to explain you our requirements of clanmembership. We are not only a group of people who play computergames. We are friends. People who are interested in provokate, trolling and laughing about the low skill of somebody dont fit into us. To applicate and want to be a part of a group of friends it is not a good diplomatic way to try to fight with members, who gave you a negative feedback by unknown you. It would be eas to say: hey guys, please join a teamspeak channel with me for 10 min to give me the chance to convince you otherwise.
    However in my opinion your softskills are not enough to fulfill my requirement of clanmembership. That is why your application is rejected.
    But I give you the chance to be active on our servers and teamspeak, to play with us some clanwars/cups to skill your character/teamskill/socialskill and to applicate again in a few weeks.

    Kind regards,

    Hallo Henry,

    vielen Dank für deine Bewerbung und das damit verbundene Interesse am Clan. Der Clan dient nicht nur dazu, einen Kollegen für Clanwars zu haben, sondern auch um soziale Aspekte zu fördern. Aus diesem Grund laden wir dich herzlich ein, unseren Teamspeak Server zu besuchen, damit du und wir die Chance haben uns kennen zu lernen.

    Teamspeak 3 IP:


    Hi Silver,

    thank you for your application and interest in our clan.
    For me the character of our members is very important.
    How would you decribe your character?
    Do you have teamspeak? Please join our teamspeak server to give us the chance to meet you.
    We are looking for polite, diplomatic, soft skilled players, who are interested in playing together/team (not solo) for clanwars, league and cups.

    Btw: What is your favourite beer? =)

    kind regards,

    Hi KayvanMazaheri,

    it is an autoban. Our anticheat tools have the job to search your computer and to detect cheats.
    We have detected a cheat program at your account (dont know why and it isnt our job to clean up your game) and we wont unban you.

    kind regards,

    @#removed #removed: Like I said before, be polite and respectful here on our board. If you are not able to be, because it is your bad character as dutch guy or what ever, feel free to delete your account here and wont use our board anymore.

    Hallo 3xP-Community,

    heute hat das 3xP CSGO Team ein sehr gutes Training hingelegt.
    Wir könnten unsere angestrebten Taktiken gegen gute Gegner durchsetzen und das Glück auf unsere Seite ziehen.

    schön gespielt:

    Hi SkiLLz,

    thank you for your interest in our clan. unfortunatly I have to say that you do not fullfil our clanmember requirements.
    We are not just a clan, we are a group of friends, who is playing together, drinking together, sleeping together =D.
    That is why we are high skilled in trust and loyality.
    You are new in our community and nobody knows you.
    Please join our teamspeak, play games with us and give us, you and us, the chance to get to know each other.
    After that you have the chance to apply again and we can decide, if you have the soft skill we are looking for.

    kind regards,

    Hallo Liam,

    vielen Dank für das lange Teamspeak Gespräch.
    Nach dem Skalli und du euch ausgesprochen habt und ihr klar die Meinung vertretet,
    dass wir ein respektvolles Miteinanderleben anstreben, haben wir uns entschieden dich als 3xP' Mitglied zu begrüßen.
    Willkommen bei 3xP, bitte sei in der nächsten Mitgliederversammlung anwesend, weil wir immer die Neulinge vorstellen.
