Beiträge von ShadowLinkX

    Big whoop I'm such a threat to the community wow. DON'T LET SHADOW PLAY IN 3XP GUYS!!!

    Imagine already separating the community more than it is. NH has it's own playerbase, JH, then 3xP. It's not that serious, and I've already said what I had to say to you and noob previously. Why be this stuck up and strict? you guys don't even BOTHER giving another chance it's just auto perma ban. Meanwhile heat got a nice unban, aka 2nd chance. Hmm :thinking:

    Well, I don't really care whether or not I get unbanned. Just wanted to add my 2 cents in, how you guys like to pick and choose instead of being fair overall about specific situations. And oh no god forbid if I or Bunny join the server if Moug has trusted!! Guess whenever I join his immediate thought has to be "Must. Ban. AMERICAN!!! TOXIC!!!" LOL. I remember Drizz wouldn't even ban Bunny when he avoided. Neither did you funk with me. So at that point you're just contradicting your reasoning for not giving Moug trusted. :')