is there a discord server? been searching around the site trying to find a link for it, maybe it doesnt exist or maybe i am blind or something.
Beiträge von Lund
sorry no cheater trusted player hack SCRIPt JAJA
the only thing i got from that essay was
6-fingeredalpha -
don't forget the strafe bot as well!
thank you, kej, how could i forget that!
Guid: 4d00dfdd
Reason: Rule #1.1- Wallhack
Banner- I think auto-ban
What was i doing before I got banned- nothing, was never able to play on the server
Was your game laggy or the server laggy- n/a
Do i have a good pc- yes
Do i have a high ping- no
Map- n/a
Position on the map- n/a
Special scripts/binds- scrollwheel up for jump (bhopping)
okay thanks unban me now