its a HAWK! +1 for sportmanship..
Beiträge von imG0LDx
@Baddy , thank you man, regardless i shouldnt have went off on you a ghee that day. theres alot of things i really shouldn't have done. thanks again man
If I have been disrespectful to anyone who plays on the 3xP server, I am sorry. I get hot headed when I am "trolled" and apologize if I have went off on ANYONE and threatened you in anyway. Specifically Noob, Naked, "meh", Gheetah, and Baddy. I have said it before, but im going to say it again because my reactions have destroyed my chances of being on the CJ team. Im sorry guys. Seriously.
that was literally a year ago (top pic)
its not like that man. -
@Viruz , you can't rely that on a approval , disapproval. Everyone else seems to want me in, and people shouldn't come into the server trolling me and being dicks . You didn't upload that part. I can stop that , I was aggravated by them. Come on man you don't have to decline because of that. I will agree to stop.
thanks bro! -
thanks baddyAppreciate it MUCH!
thanks alterand no shaky hands, you say? :PPPP
And my beloved GUID, RIP COD4 CD
Thanks m8 -
Thanks man!
and yes, I did make that shit mapit was when i rarely played custom maps back in like 2011 , I was mainly a stock jumper, then got into custom when I came back in 2016
New map coming out though, mp_millennium. going to be a great map!
Your Ingame Name- G0LD
Your Birthdate- 02/08/1996
Your hardest Map you finished out of this list - hmmm. tough one. dark_v3 , galaxy, and/or my new map
"which will be released today (Friday) or tomorrow (Saturday). All maps above a 15-16/20 are quite a challenge depending on the techs needed.
Your gaprecord with and without rpg - 376 / RPG , 316 No RPG
The Languages you are able to talk & The country in which you life - I only speak English unfortuantely but am voluntarily open to learning a new language
I live in the United States.
Why you want to join 3xP' Codjumper - I Want to help the community with jumping, movie making, etc. I have been in the CJ scene since 2008 and I had quit for 4 years and recently returned in late 2016. I was a dick in the past, and I know that, but haven't been that way anymore, and also have participated in Alter's Episode of WCD (#31), with hopefully many more to come. I am willing to jump in rotation with the guys in editing the WCD, or however they want to do it. Here is my youtube.
Im not sure where to find my hours, but i know i have near 100 or maybe even more that 100 hours on this GUID , on my other GUID which was installed from a retail cod4 box, i had 100+ hours.Edit :