Beiträge von Badeend

    My pc is way worse but by doing these things I got 333 on most maps
    -changed my cfg to mirko's one
    -deleted all the unnecessary windows apps
    -deleted all unnecessary programs
    -stopped all active services which are not needed (found it on some site)
    -defrag my drive

    Thanks a lot for all your help. My fps seem to be fixed (get 333 on most maps).

    The things I did (maybe it also helps for other people:
    -changed my cfg to mirko's one
    -deleted all the unnecessary windows apps
    -deleted all unnecessary programs
    -stopped all active services which are not needed (found it on some site)
    -defrag my drive

    Have already tried yitch 3, but will try your cfg tonight mirko. The problem seems that whatever I do with the graphics settings I seem to keep getting almost the same fps.

    @Bunny, I played booth stockmaps and custommaps, but I've always enjoyed searching for bounces on stockmaps more.

    Edit: I've tried your cfg and it doesn't seem to help a lot for me. Weird problem, wondering if it might be a problem bc of windows 10.
    My specs are:
    8 gig ram
    Amd r5 m230

    Hi everyone,

    Some might remember me from a pretty long time ago (when I was active in styx). Used to play cj a lot and I jumped on your server yesterday and today and I was surprised that I saw some people I remember from a long time ago. Nice to see that CJ isn't dead at all. The only downside is that nowadays I only have a laptop which won't reach 333 fps.

    Well some info about me. I'm 22 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. My hobbies are sports (indoor climbing, rugby, fitness and running) and I like to go out in the weekends.

    You will see me in the cj server once in a while for old time sake.

    Will try to fix my laptop somehow that I can reach 333 fps again (have an i5 and an amd r5 m230), but somehow I cannot go past 200 fps. If anyone knows a solution please tell me.
