Gonna have to land 385 to make hawk Happy/Sad
Beiträge von Gary
Hi everyone decided to change my trusted application to a codjumper team application c:.
InGame name: My tags are either Gary or Foxy.Birthdate: September 1995 - 21 Years old.
About me: My names is Gary I'm currently studying an Economics Degree at University, I was born In Scotland but now live in England. Just Got a New PC around about the 17th September and the 1st thing I did was download and install Cod4 so I could start jumping again. I played other games like BF1 and BF4, with some RPG games like The Witcher 3 and The Elder Scrolls. When I'm not gaming I enjoy going to the Gym, Climbing and swimming.
3xP' Stats Page: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050433805/
Gaming +_Past Clans: My gaming first started back on the playstation (If you exclude Pokemon on the gameboy color), On the playstation I played Starwars Battlefront, I enjoyed the game a lot even though I wasn't very good at it. Fast forward a couple of years I went on holiday to France with my Family, In one of the shops I saw StarWars Battlefront II and asked them to get it for me. I played this game for many years and joined a clan on it called the 182nd Legion. There was many clan battles and in all was a very enjoyable and competitive time I also played CoD 3 on the ps2. I wanted something more competitive and saw some Montages on youtube of Halo 3 with all the medals popping up this made me want to buy an xbox 360 just for Halo. After a year or so I saved up enough money to buy an Xbox 360 + Halo. Although I wasn't the best at the start I quickly became better and got 50's in all the playlists :D. I got slightly bored with Halo 3 and played some Cod4 in between I enjoyed this game but I enjoyed the jumping aspect of it even more so. I loved playing Michael Myers on this so much that I wanted to get to places that my friends couldn't get to so I started looking things up on youtube and learnt to strafe and bounce. I then saw that on PC there was a codjumper mod, but I didn't have my own pc at this time so I couldn't play it. In 2011 I got my own laptop and decided to purchase CoD4 I joined the 1st Codjumper server I could find which was the Styx Codjumping server and remained loyal to them. After two months of codjumping I joined their team and after another month or so I applied to join their elite jumping team which I also got into. My laptop soon couldn't get 333fps or even 250fps so I stopped Codjumping In mid to early 2012. I have now returned with my new PC and desire to join this clan.
Hardest map completed: Dark V2/ Dark , Mp_Newgate
Gap Record: 384(RPG) 322(No RPG)
Country + Languages: Born In the United Kingdom, Languages Spoken - Enlgish + A little Lithuanian.
Why I want to join the CJ Team: I recently applied to trusted as I thought I wasn't of high enough skill to join the codjumper team but I'm continuing to Improve on my CJ skills every day. I like to help people on the server when they are struggling with jumps as that's what people did for me and in the end It helped me become better and it makes me happy seeing people being grateful after you've helped them do something the once couldn't do. The Issue with helping people just now is that sometimes they are almost all the way through a section i.e Intermediate and this requires me to go through the whole map just to help them where as when being a member you could help them instantly. As I said before I also want to join this clan as its the last remaining community of the CodJumping scene and I just want to be part of it once again.
Rules: I have read and agree to the rules.
You have been accepted in 3xP' CJ-Team [Read]
General Server Rules [Read]
Premade ban reasons you should use
[Read]Rulebreaker Punishment [Read]Thanks for reading, (some of you for the 2nd time :D).
P.S. Would it be possible to remove my trusted application?
My stats
3xP' Statistics ~ « Player DetailsMy name is Gary I am 21 years of age I am from the United Kingdom originally born in Scotland and moved to England later in life. The Languages I speak Include English and a little bit of Lithuanian as that's where my Girlfriend is from :). I am currently studying an Economics degree at University.
I started Codjumping back on the xbox 360 when cod4 came out, started off with playing Michael Myers with friends at school and them me wanting to be able to get to places they couldn't. After a couple of months I became reasonably good at Jumping on the xbox 360 and I wanted something more but in the end couldn't afford a PC moved onto other games such as Halo 3 etc.
Mid 2011 I got a laptop in the summer and purchased cod4 on the pc and immediately went to the first codjump server I could find. This turned out to be a Styx Server, after a couple of months I applied to Styx got in and continued to develop my Jumping skills until I passed their Elite Test.
Continue on until mid 2012 My laptop began to struggle after just 1 and a bit years of me having it, too much dust in it caused the cpu to overheat and permanently damaged it, I could no longer reach 333fpsand barely 250 So I decided to stop Codjumping and went back to the xbox 360.
Why I want to be a trusted member?
I want to be a trusted member as this is the only part left of the codjumping community, This is the only active server that I could find and the people that I have met here are all very kind and helpful and I feel like that I want to be part of this and help other people like they have helped me. I shall be a respectful member of the trusted team and will help players where I can.How to contact me, You can contact me on the server/via the forums/Steam/TS3(Yet to join the teamspeak but I am able to.)
Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050433805/
Not sure if that is correct if the link doesn't work my Steam name is Foxy.I have read and agree with said rules.
Thanks for reading my application!