Beiträge von no*o*ne

    @Jayme you should read the whole thing, however I/we only said maps should not stay on for ages and disappear for the 5 next rotations.

    @mirko911 It's nice to read that the map rotation thing will be fixed with the next update.
    I already know JavaScript and C/C++ due to university courses, however even if it should not be a problem moving from a language to another, i think the biggest problem would be to find the right applications for the right methods (don't know if they're called like this even in the CoD language), which is basically what is restraining me from starting to learn to script for CoD.

    Also that casting thing is completly fucked up :|:|:| (even though i can still understand the logic behind it).

    About the community... well i don't think I'm commenting on this because i find utterly retarded hiding stuff between each other.. I come from the music production world, where everyone shares every secret with the rest of the world, even if this were to mean that everyone could use your mixing/sound design technique, which might take ages to improve/perfect.

    Thanks for your reply anyways, was pretty good to read you're already taking actions :)

    @HawK I'm not a big fan of that idea tbh. I understand it might be the easiest to realize, but it's not necessarily the best... Still think limiting the amount of extentions per map would do it as far as the extention goes.
    Maybe those 2 could be combined, meaning that you have limited extentions and to change/end a map you need a higher ratio, but i think this would be overkilling it, wouldn't it?

    EDIT: Or maybe having a ratio that decreases with time, saying that when a map starts it has the maximum amount, fading with time (for the change/end votes)

    Alright so I'm replying to all of you.
    I apologize if I'm not using quotes, i jut find them a pain in the ass.

    Thanks to those who said it's a good idea, also @lethalbeast I'm aware they're not the only one, that's why i said one of the last.. maybe it was poorly explained, i apologize.

    Now to Mr.Frisbee (was almost spelling your name wrong). The only reason i didn't write about those 3 factors is that i didn't have enough time, so was planning to edit the post right now, but apparently there's no more a reson. Your idea of having a "weighed" vote is pretty cool, but as a programmer myself i can already see hell from that thing being put to code, which is why I'm not expecting anything like that from your scripters. You saw things exactly as i did when it came to analyzing the problem.

    Now looks like there's been a bit of incoprehension between me and Noob so yea when i said that we have too much freedom i didn't mean that we should not have it, i meant it should be regaluted/controlled, meaning we should have rules, not 200% freedom of voting.. for instance i was playing 4 hours ago and everyone just 2 maps were skipped (i think they were 2- someone confirm please) after they just started just because they could not do the first bounce or the first gap. This kind of stuff should have stric rules i think, it's not fair to change a map just because a bunch of guys find it unplayable. We all have those cancer bounces that we hate from the bottom of our hearts but i guess all of us here can relate if i say we basically never skip a map because we hate those bounces right? just because we want to do them to say fuck u little shit cnacer asshole. Sorry for my words, but i guess it's what really happens in game; i guess you would be really bugged as well if a map were to change twice after 3 minutes in :)

    Still on what you said Noob, i didn't mean you should force votes, i just mean, if a map was just played or played in the past 5 rotations, then there should be NO way for that map to come back. Why i say 5? I think 5 was a good number since the very beginning, also there will be for sure a map that will be skipped, maybe 2 maps, because as of now that's the shit that happens everytime, just to bring back galaxy descent race ecc ecc.. I'm saying this stuff should be controlled, not removed or elitary.

    Anyways I really want to thank you because you all actually raised some amazing points! I remember pointing out some stuff on the RS CJ server and was called something like a moron because in their opinion i wanted to steal their scripts just because i said i wanted to learn the COD language as i am a programmer already....
    That kind of stuff really made me feel the CJ community was fucked up, couldn't be more wrong apparently... I've been having some cool idea lately but never pointed them for this reason, I'm sorry :P

    I apologize if there are more mistakes here than in the original post, I've been working on music for 4 hours straight su my brain is like ... meh

    EDIT: @Noob I don't think the ratio really needs to become higher, i just think the vote system should be regulated and not be as free as it is now

    Waiting for more replies :)

    Hi everyone,

    I don't know if the content of this thread has been covered already in the past (as I'm not really following this forum), however i feel like i have to make this post based on my recent experience on your CJ server.
    Before i start writing the actual post i want to point out that I'm writing this in a completly friendly manner and that I'll keep playing on your server regardless of the replies I'll see here, so please even if you don't like what you're going to read don't go all-hate on me just because i've said my own opinion :thumbsup: .
    I also want to apologize if you will read any grammar mistakes, but I'm not an english native speaker :P .

    So I've been playing on your server for about 2 months now. I used to play CJ waaay back in the days (it was like 2014-2015 (??) ) then i took a break and came back like 2 months ago just to find out that your server was probably one of the last active CJ servers... such a shame ;( .

    However this post is not about me, but about your +10 & +20 feature...

    I don't mind having +20 twice, maybe thrice, but i feel like it's a bit too much when a single map stays on for 4-5 hours. If I'm not wrong your standard timer is 60 minutes, so to reach the 4 hours mark it means that 3 hours have been added, which basically means that time has been extended by 20 for 9 times, or by 10 for 18 times (or any combinations of these 2).

    Now... I have to say against myself that I know a lot of people strive to finish maps in all of their ways (myself included, even though I'm not the best jumper alive - not even decent :thumbdown: ), and i also have to admit that hard ways usually take A LOT of time, but still, i want to say (in a very selfish manner, i admit it) that for players like me, who just want to enjoy themselves for a couple of hours after a whole day spent working/studying, spending a whole 3 hours on a single map rather than cycling through let's say 1 or 2 maps at the very least is really... frustrating and annoying, not gonna lie.

    I know that after having read this short paragraph many will be like "just devmap". That's what i do everytime i see a +20 passing the vote after it has passed for like 3 times already. I also really love the people in the server, as they're really friendly and tend to help others a lot. I think that devmapping is fine for 1 or 2 maps, but i don't really want to spend all my spare time playing alone, otherwise i would just pick an empty server and stay there (which is what i sometimes do).

    Also, i think this happened yesterday, i saw a +20 passing when the timer was at 23-24 (???????????????)... WHAT. Then immediately after the vote passed and the timer went to 43-44 another vote was casted for +20... Props to the admins for cancelling the vote.

    So my suggestion is, why not adding a counter that says "#number extentions left" instead of having a map running for 4 hours (and let's be honest, it's not like it's a different map every time, it's like Race, Galaxy, Blue and so on... - but this is another matter.)?.
    I'm not saying to limit the possible extentions to 3. Isn't 4 or 5 of those +20 enough? It would mean you would still have 2 hours + 1 standard hour, and if it was me i would still reduce it to 1 standard and 1 bonus or 1 standard and 1 hour and a half bonus.

    I think it was also said that after a map is played it can't be nominated for the next 5 maps, but with the vote feature after a map ends you can still vote to play the map that just ended... I understand this is still really fair because everything goes through a vote, but isn't this the same as saying "hey after this map is done you can't nominate it for the next 5 maps, but if you really want to play it then you can play it, whatever". Why was the 5 maps skip even introduced if you can bypass it this easily? It doesn't make sense to me.

    I really think this has to be balanced out...

    I understand that many (if not all) of you will say "everything goes through a vote, if the people want it then it's ok".
    I don't think it's ok, not even close to being ok actually.

    I'm not going to talk about the fact that your server has a database of what 40 (?) maps? And yet i still see the same 5-6 maps at most being played.
    This is such a shame and a waste of resources in my opinion.
    I remember i talked to 3xP Noob 3-4 weeks ago on a server that was not the 3xP' and asked him if the server was still running his map 24/7, and he just said he was fine with it as far as people were enjoying it. I'm sure it is an extremly enjoyable map, if not the best map to date, but i honestly can't bear playing it 6 hours - if not 7 - straight.

    I think that with your last update you gave too much freedom to the people (and I'm included, of course).
    However the server is yours, so you make your own decisions, I'm just here saying my own opinion and hopefully you will take this a little seriously.

    I'll probably edit this post a lot, when new things to say come to my mind..

    See you in game guys,
    thanks for reading,
