Beiträge von dodmayor

    Hello guys!
    After a lot of thinking, and AlterEgo's help i decided to apply to CJ Team.

    -Your ingame name: DoDMayor
    -My birthday: 2000.11.07
    -My hardest map finished: mp_galaxy, almost dark_v3
    -My gap record: 315 norpg, 375rpg
    -The Languages u are able to talk & The country in which you live: I live in Hungary, and main language is Hungarian, and i can speak english.

    Why i want to join to 3xP CodJumper Team?
    Back in the days i started playing CJ with NoobAim, but mainly i played on CJ Normal.
    I like the community and the members here, I think i could be a good addition to the team.
    I want to help the players and the member abilities would help a lot doing that.
    I also like programming and scripting, also im learning these stuffs at school.

    -About me :
    My name is Norbert, I'm live in Hungary, and Im 16 years old. Im student in highschool, currently im in 10th grade studying to be IT Professional.
    In my free time I go out with my friends, do sports, working with wood, programming, go IT Competitions and playing CJ.

    -My gaming career in a nutshell:
    I started playing video games in kindergarden and my first game was GTA : SA. My favourite game type is FPS and inside of it, Call of Duty series.
    My favourite CoD is CoD4 and mainly I play CJ.
    I really like car games as well, like Need For Speed.
    I started CJ in 2012 or 2013. But mainly I only played on CJ Normal. Then i met AlterEgo and we decided to make our own CJ server called NHCJ , then later NH. The server was up till 2016 summer.
    I was the co owner, main scripter, programmer, modder. I became inactive after the server went down , but i came back and AlterEgo told me to apply and play on the 3xp cj server more.
    As i said i would like to help the community with stuffs i can do.

    -My 3xP' Statistics page profile link:
    3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details

    -My Steam profile: , feel free to add me.

    -Write an Agreement that you will follow this rules and agree with them and that u read them:
    I agree with the rules & will follow them.
    You have been accepted in 3xP' CJ-Team .
    General Server Rules .
    Premade ban reasons you should use .
    Rulebreaker Punishment .

    I've read the rules & agree with them.