I understand i do not have a great chance but Moug told me i should try , the hardest map ive finished isnt that hard cause i dont go for finishing maps . Codjumper to me is not a mission to complete its a sandbox . I enjoy going for hard bounces and making no rpg's possible no rpg , im not the most skilled player but i dont like bugging people for help and stuff like that . i have been in 3xp for over a year now and i have always helped lower skilled players to complete easy on maps . Im fully aware my hours on 3xp does not sound true since ive changed my statemeant alot but i have 4 days 2 or 3 hours on server , overall about 140 hours on cj because i used to play on MSG and Nh alot .
Beiträge von Cloudy Cj
It was my mistake i said 1000 hours i read it wrong i have 98 - 100 and i didnt know u had a statistics page i never checked it . Another mistake i said admins i meant alot of vips i talk to but i do talk to noob alot when hes on and i never see u or drizz on the server when im on . Idk who i insulted on NH i got kicked for writing this app and saying if i did get accepted i would take it because all the people im good friends with are on 3xP and its the biggest cj server . If your talking about being immature on other servers that would be MSG cj , there were fake chat logs of me calling people "niggas" and saying "i hate you" , i dont recall saying that to anyone but i cant remember who i said it too but i said "i hate you" as a joke to someone i was friends with cause i was trying a bounce and they did it with ease
. All chat logs were taken out of context or are fake . I also said to alter i know im getting kicked but i would still like to be friends and play still , he didnt take it so well so i havnt talked to him since . Apoligies for all mistakes and hope we can clear things up with the "lies" about my hours which were not true but i pointed that out when i got on to 3xp and checked . Edit : i forgot what bunny said but this is not linked to my cod 4 but i have showed noob and FrisbeeSky i beleive my stats for 98 - 100 hours .
Ive Read this wrong and apoligies . My Current !stats show is 4 day 1 hour so im just getting to the 100 hour mark i think i dont time very well . ive been on this server a year plus now and my stats have been reset alot so im not sure if that affects !stats show . sorry for the confusion
Apoligies For Using Your List But Its An Easy Way For Me To Know What Im Doing .
Your Ingame Name- Cloudy
Your Birthdate-1999 September 19Th
Your hardest Map you finished out of this list - descent 3 or blue2
Your gaprecord with and without rpg - 306 No RPG Gap / 360 rpg gap . Im Not A Gap Kinda Person
The Languages u are able to talk & The country in which you life - Only English And Im From UK
Why you want to join 3xP' Codjumper-Team - Ive wanted to join 3xP when i very first started codjumping on pc and it always amazed me how they could fly around the map . I have 100 hours on 3xP server over all time and im friends with most players and admins so its very convinient and ive been helping people with bounces as soon as i learned codjumper even if i couldnt do them i would try my best . Since Codjumper dosnt have a goal ive set one myself i beleive joining 3xP is the "You Win" in codjumper in my personal opinion its the best clan and community that i want to do more things with .
Your Steam Profile link - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197969615362
And some more text where u introduce yourself a bit - My real name is Ben im 16 i currently dont work or go to school at the moment so i have alot of free time . Im more up at night around 7pm to 6 am is around the time im doing stuff on cod 4 .
Write something about your gaming past (Other Clans u were in, games u played etc.) - (Dont Read This If U Dont Care Its Way Too Long And I Put Way Too Much Effort Into It Apoligies) Ive been playing games since i was very young so i could be here for hours talking about it but i wont bore you . Ive been gaming since 3 years old with my uncle playing gta and all that stuff and as i got older and got xbox i started playing call of duty . I was around 14 - 15 when my friend asked me to come play micheal myers on cod 4 one time and i didnt think anything of it until someone else joined and started freerunning everywhere and id never seen something so cool . I started codjumping on console because thats where all my friends were at the time . I moved on to PC with a friend and havnt gone back since
Write an Agreement that you will follow this rules and agree with them and that u read them: I Spent A Good Sturdy 10 Minutes Reading Through And I agree
See You In CJ