Beiträge von Charliee

    link to desired profile's : read reason for lost level for this part!<3

    picture or video evidence: i know i wont get restored but pls go into the deathrun server as i dont have a screenshot of my last level :(

    reason for lost rank/levels: i was chilling and playing with BadBoy and he saw my level and some other players in the server and my laptop switched off as i ranked up, when i turned my laptop back on and tried to join the server it had said 'Error : your stats have been reset' (kills, level, deaths ect.) however i ignored it and went to play and then i realised i was back to level one. (i was level 23)

    desired scheduled time for restoration or time of availability:Iam right now,all morning,and all affternoon,all days like that.

    i know i wont get a restore back because no screenshot my and my stats are set to 0 because of the error message, please could you give me a chance? <3
    if not restored then thanks for at least reading :)
    have a good day/night. from Charlieee