@Viruz can i ask what will be with my app?
Beiträge von TrickPaJah
I know im not pro but every day i help some beginners
And i think they learn something
Okey thanks HawK for support
So now i have 60 hours
What i must do now to be accepted
3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Ok now i achieve 60 hours played -
I play every day
Bad Boy can say you..
And i know i have only 42 hours buts its about few days
but thank you :))
Can i ask if i have more % to be accepted or rejected ?
I wanna see what say Viruz or Expert
I hope they accept me
Okey thank you
So... you accept me or not..?
i hope you accept me
Ok.. but say me what i can add to app and i will do it
Siwy.exe .. im from another country my english not perfect im sorry ..
And Bad .. thank you -
3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
And i know but if they ask so i will show or somtehing -
http://stats.3xp-clan.com/?page=player&id=14688----There is my stats... i know i dont have 60 hours but i have 30.. I will hope its ok...
Im from Czech Republic like Ovecka
And i have agree all #rules -
Hey I really thank you for reading this. My name is Patrik (In game TrickPaJah). Im 16 years old and i play CoD4 Deathrun (1 year), Cj (3 years) and promod. (2months). I think im not too bad in CJ and i can learn or show some bounces. I play games for 7 years so some skills are there :D. And im online 1-3 hour in 7 days in week. If you want you can contact me on :
1) Facebook - Patrik [removed]
2) Skype - [removed] (State jamajca)
3) SMS - [removed]
I want to help some people with some bounces or jumps. I play with my friend on skype. And 3xP' is the best server i've ever play.
I will hope you accept meIf you accept me it will make me stronger and i will be on 3xP' until dead and learning new styles, jumps, bounces and some stuff like that.
Thank YouIm sorry for my english im from another country but i can speak english good
All understand me
Thank you so much
Edit by UFaced: Removed sensitive information. Mirko: me too