Beiträge von ra_Sun

    Hello guys!
    Playing on the map mp_atlantis, I saw a good effect.
    The greeting menu with a pattern in motion.
    I ask for your help. Who knows how to do this?
    What should I do to make the scripts work?

    Motion picture: video
    video.mp4 - Google Drive

    I am hope for your help. Good luck everyone.

    I'm just shocked, on a website, there are no lessons about sounds.
    We need to fix this.

    Sound mp3 with the use of ambientPlay (music plays continuously until the very end with a repeat, there is no default music).
    The music file must be in mp3 format

    In the folder raw/soundaliases we create the file mp_tutorial.csv. In it we insert this:

    1. name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,vol_mod,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max,channel,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,secondaryaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay,speakermap,reverb,lfe percentage
    2. #Ambiance
    3. ambient_mp_tutorial,,ambient/amb_tutorial.mp3,0.99,,,,,,,local,streamed,,looping,,mp_tutorial

    The sound should be put in the folder raw/sound/ambient/

    Now go to mp_tutorial.gsc file and change in the line ambientPlay value in parentheses to "ambient_mp_tutorial" Should look like this:

    1. ambientPlay("ambient_mp_tutorial");

    Now open the zone file in the compiler
    And we add:

    1. sound,mp_tutorial,,all_mp
    2. sound,common,mp_tutorial,!all_mp
    3. sound,generic,mp_tutorial,!all_mp
    4. sound,voiceovers,mp_tutorial,!all_mp
    5. sound,multiplayer,mp_tutorial,!all_mp
    6. sound,mp_tutorial,mp_tutorial,!all_mp

    Instead of mp_tutorial - the name of the map, respectively

    The penultimate step is to go to usermaps / mp_tutorial and create the sound / ambient folders, copy the song there and archive this folder as a zip archive named mp_tutorial.iwd

    The last step is to remove the default music:
    It's best to create a separate .GSC file, well, call it eg: _killmusic.
    We paste in it what is written below:

    1. main()
    2. {
    3. wait 1;
    4. if(isDefined(game) && isDefined(game["music"]) && isDefined(game["music"]["suspense"]))
    5. for(i = 0;i < game["music"]["suspense"].size;i++)
    6. game["music"]["suspense"][i] = "null";
    7. }

    Naturally do not forget, the new .GSC files of your scripts should be:
    if multiplayer, then in the directory: raw / maps / mp / _killmusic.gsc.
    if a single-user mode, then in the directory: raw / maps / _killmusic.gsc.

    Now in the main mp_tutorial.gsc file, you need to add this line:

    1. maps\mp\_killmusic::main();

    It should look something like this:

    Now open the zone file again in the compiler
    And we add:

    1. rawfile,maps/mp/_killmusic.gsc

    Now we can compile the fast game file and add them to usermaps / mp_tutorial.
    And accordingly we add this whole thing to some MOD, and through the mod we launch the map, and we enjoy our music.


    Soundalias file there?Lines in soundalias file correct?Soundalias file in raw files?
    These three conditions are met by me.
    But in csv, what should I write? Example show please.

    Hello people!
    Help is needed! I want to file in mp3 format, played on my card.
    At the moment I have these files: архив - Google Drive
    When the map is launched, the screen says:
    Error: Missing soundalias "ambient mp_tutorial"
    Who knows how to run mp3, please help.
    I would be very grateful if anyone would tell me how to launch sounds using a trigger. In mp3 format.
    Thank you for your attention, I hope for help.