Okay i get it thanks alot man ive not been on these days because im really busy with school and might sqeuze 1 game of dr in my work day but in the weekend ill be on thanks:DD
Beiträge von dronken
Awh ty necky<33
Thanks dude Ill get the 100 hours really soon
Hai Guys.
Im Romke from the Netherlands also know as dronken
, im 15 years old and not immature if you wanted to know.
I am currently not in a clan and i never really was in a serious one.
But i can say i apply for this one because this Clan in amazing the community and the server are just Cool and Awesome.I want to be a 3xp clanmember because I really enjoy playing 3xp Cj and Any other 3xp server(mainly Cj) and I tought why not apply because I think I would be a helpful because im a decent Cj player and if any1 needs help Im always there to say what fps or how to do the bounce, I am very active.
I finished mp_galaxy test in 3:05 I hope Hoopik will send the link of the screenshot because I have some problems with my pc ;/
I play some games, not really any other then cod4 but when im bored of cod4 i play csgo(rank:supreme)for the people that play cs.
I agree with all terms and ruless of the 3xp server and I will never break any of them.
My steam: asnromke
My 3xp account link : 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Anyway Im very active on 3xp Cj and Helpfull.
So I hope you guys will give me a chance(You wont be disappointed)
Please give me any feedback or tips on my threat Thanks