I can totally agree with Noob, and i also have nothing to add to this Apply from you!
You got also my Yes.
I can totally agree with Noob, and i also have nothing to add to this Apply from you!
You got also my Yes.
5x bunnnyhop on mp_mody_v3 (inter) [1st attempt in demo]
3x bhop on mp_fly (hard->8th Teddy Bear) [1st hit of slide in demo xd]
The BHop on Fly :O I was shocked (in a good way :D) and stoned. I mean WTF?! :O
Hey, nice to see your Apply here.
I agree with the other ones, so you totally got my YES!
Very skillfull Guy and also a long time here.
Easy +1
Talked with you now a bit and i can tell that he is a mature himself.
So you got my +1
No members currently are able to join the server with the 3xP' tag,
this may be because of the web being down and cannot access those who are members.
Join the server as VecTa, go to spectator change your name too 3xP' VecTa once it indicates you've been promoted change back straight away otherwise you'll be kicked.
Temporary fix for VIP on CJ server
Ah, okay.
And ye, i already did it. Noob told me that
Hey Guys,
i just wanted to join the CJ Server, but i kicked me out for that Reason:
''Don't use the 3xP' Tag in your Name''
I made a Screenshot of it, but i cant find it now.
But this is exactly what it says, when i want to Join the Server.
Hey, nice to see your Apply here.
First of all, i have nothing Negative against you, i just talked with you here and there, but when i talked with you,
you were nice, and Friendly!
So, you got my +1
We talked about you and we all had the same opinion about you.
Herzlichen glückwunsch![]()
Setz dich mit Viruz in Verbinung damit er dich als Member setzen kann usw.
Danke und werd ich machen
Nein quatsch, aber bist natürlich immer erwünscht wenn du dir mal eins zulegst
Haha okay. Ja ich werds mir nochmal überlegen
Auf jeden Fall ein aktiver boi.
Yo +1 von mir, kann mich den
anderen nur anschließen
Leg dir wieder ein Headset zu.
Muss ja nix teures sein,ich hab n
6€ mic u. in ears.
Muss das echt mit dem Headset sein?
nice deine bewerbung hier zu sehen, hast sehr gute chancen ;P
btw, nutzt du teamspeak?
Nope, weil hab kein Headset mehr seit über Monaten
Ist mir beim Zocken ''runtergefallen''
Alles anzeigenMoin digga
Dankr für die Bewerbung erstmal.
Hab schon paar mal mit die gelabert bist ein korrekter typ.
Test müssen wir nochmal live machen aber sollte kein problem für dich sein. Ansonsten easy +1 von mir.
Deine beats sind saunice btw
LG Drizziboy
Freut mich, das dir meine Beats gefallen.
Und mit dem Test meinst du den Member Test richtig?
Welcome to my Application for the CJ Server!
My name is Matthias, Im currently 21 Years old and was born 1993 in Berlin, Germany. My name on the Server is: vecTa, also here on the Forum.
Before i got some free time over a Year, i was for nearly a Year in a apprenticeship (Ausbildung for the German guys here) wich i must break because
of some private Problems.
The Job i did is in German ''Gebäudereiniger'' and in English ''Housecleaning'' or something like that.
Beside the work, i love to make Beats wich i also Upload on my Youtube Channel wich is ''MTBeatz''.
And i also love to hear Music, like Hip Hop, Trap, EDM, Trap EDM, Electro, Rap (US/German).
I speak fluent German and English as my 2nd Language.
Okay, enough from me... now more about that, why i want to Join this Team.
The first thing i want to join the Team is, because i really like this nice and friendly Community of the Team and the Player i met in the Time i play on this Server.
And also because, i know how it feels like when you are in a Team because of my Experience in my Job i did.
Im a guy who trys too help other Players who need help in some difficult Bounces or something else.
The hardest Maps i finish (mostly Inter) was mp_to_the_moon, mp_blue2 or 3, mp_chance, mp_palm thats it i guess.
My Gaprecord without RPG is 310 and with RPG it is 361, im not the best in the Area.
The Membertest i finish with a Time of 3:13.
Here are my Stats - 3xP' Clanpage » Home
And my Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026144711
Ive read the Rules and also agree to them.
King Regards,
vecTa aka Opel Vectra