Yeah I'll be around today after 4 I'll make sure i poke you
Beiträge von Dazz
Cheers Sorkx!
Yeah give me a shout, I'm usually by my self but feel free to move me around channels i'm usually kicking about
I have lost my rank on Deathrun.
Name- OrangePeel
GUID- d5503225
Rank- 9
How I lost it- Started a new server to play Grassy and Bannana Phone to get to know the maps. When I was done a message popped up saying "You've attempted to modify your rank, it has been reset." Thats a braod view of how I lost my rank. -
Any chance the "votekick" will be taken away from the command on the Deathrun server?
Players have resulted to kicking the activator for activating the trap! Personally it's getting out of hand.Many thanks
-Dazz -
Yeah very active in TeamSpeak
Hello there!
I am OrangePeel, My real name is Daz. I live in England, Currently from West Yorkshire but moved towards the North, I now live in Filey. At the moment I am 17 years of age, (16/02/98)am a qualifies Electrician. I didn't think I needed to work on my IT skills because I took up the Cambridge Nationals ICT Course. After flying through it I kinda stopped with my ICT future!
Now my gaming career-
I started playing Call of Duty 1, UO and Call of Duty 2 to begin with, I moved up the chain of all the Call of Duties but stopped at MW3. (all the new ones are crap). I have become fond of Call of Duty 4, I always have been! I have been in a different clan for around 3 to 4 years now. I left a good 7 months back since I was to sell my PC however I still have itThe clan was call =([ISDP])= I was an admin that looked after their Death run server full time, I also managed their Happy Hardcore server for when hacker tried ruining the damn thing! Any how I was a very active player on my old clan. In fact I was funnily enough Rcon Commander and had the dubious honor of looking after Rcon, the consoles for the server and Call of Duty 4.
Now I've yabbed on about my gaming life I'd like to move onto why I'd like to join. I have experience in Rcon, the Server commands and the administration part of the business. I would like to join 3xP because I kinda miss been in a clan, I've spent a few hours on your Deathrun server and everyone seems friendly enough! The forums a brilliantly set out and easy to make my way around. I also would like to meet new people. In my old clan I use to pay to help run Rcon, the servers and also to keep my admin on the server. Well at the beginning mainly, They kind of run out of Rcon commanders and website administrators giving me the full time job whether I paid or not! I kept paying because they ran into a little financial issue but we recovered the expenses. I love the 3xP Deathrun server it is very well put together. the console works just fine but I feel it's always nice to have an actual admin on the server as well just to make sure the rules are kept and pick up the things the Console misses.
Never the less The best way to get hold of me-Steam, phoenixdaz (Thats my username I don't know if you can find me with the profile name)
Xfire- I had Xfire back when F.E.A.R was brand new!! I'll redownload it create a name for you guys
I do not use Origin unfortunately.
TeamSpeak- Full time bum on TeamSpeak It's like i'm attached to the program! In other words yes i'm always on TeamSpeak
My old clan had a rule, No TeamSpeak no joining.. I kind of made that rule compulsoryFinally my tag on your stats, it might look bad but that will liven up i promise you!
3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
Many thanks for reading through, I hope it ain't too much for you
Feel free to Add me, Email me or PM me you know where I am