Beiträge von kippy

    Alright, I have no idea why I'm putting this much effort into explaining this shit. I should honestly just keep you (and I mean you personally deleted User, I won't judge your communities competence on your replies alone) in the dark about all of this because that's where you seem to belong, but i'll attempt to get something through your thick fucking skull. I guess your reply just pissed me off, ah well, here we go.

    Lets start here:

    Read it again, we didnt clam a 99% success rate.

    Maybe you did not intent to imply you had a 99% success rate, but you sure as hell did. Lets look back at the post in question shall we? And specifically the first part of it.

    We have banned over 400 Keys (coming from more or less the same IP) and it was infact the correct guy who attacked.
    It got a routine with 99%+ exact results.
    You're the 1% so to say who got banned falsely (I guess).

    And lets break this down. In the first line, you claim to have banned 400 keys (which I referred to as people, but you can use either) correctly. This is a claim of success. Then in the 3rd line, the last, you claim there is 1% who get banned falsely (which includes me). Now keep in mind, I'm not making any claims whatsoever here, I'm just breaking down the post YOU made, and on which I base all my replies, since it is all the information I have on this issue. The most important line is the 2nd line. Being in the middle of 2 claims of success, and having the missing 99% from the 3rd line in it, any reader will assume it is about the same subject. First line is people who caused crashes, second line is about an undefined routine with 99% exact results, and the 3rd line is once again about success rate of people being banned, and also happens to include the missing 1% to get to 100%.

    Now I do understand that you didn't mean it like this, but don't tell me to 'read it again' when you write your arguments down like that. But as i said, I understand, and since this is just a misunderstanding, it's not important to discuss it any further, so on to the next part of your post:

    According to your explanation 400 people are living in the same house / village, joining our CJ 10 times a day with new keys and cause crashes everytime?
    The chance of that is below 0.1%.

    No I don't claim this, and my post has never implied such claims. You told me 400 keys have been banned, and I simply referred to those keys as people. Since these keys were used from "more or less the same IP" according to you, there is no proof that these keys were not different people. There is no such thing as "more or less the same IP". You either have the same IP, or you don't. Sure, your IP can be from the same geographical location, or your IP can even be largely the same, but doesn't mean anything. People who live in the same area will have about the same geo location, people who use the same ISP will have similar looking IPs, and even if someone has the same IP as someone else, it is still no proof that this is in fact the same person. IP addresses are NO evidence in the court of law, for the reasons I stated above, but also because IP addresses are both leased (non permanent) and spoof-able. For this reason I used the word 'people'. I never claimed that 400 people lived in the same house or anything of the sorts, I really don't know what weird train of thought caused you to arrive at that station.

    All I said is that you know nothing, you have no proof, you have no obvious reasons. That was my point, I did not want to explain anything to you, since I only have the information you (so very poorly) provided to me.

    But alright, time to move on to the funny part:

    The crashing stopped for multiple months until some days ago.

    Im not exactly sure if you're familiar with how ip bans work and what your vpn does..

    Instead your "explanation" is based on thin air.

    Haha. What. Lets break this down shall we?

    1: I played on an IP that according to you people, has been used to crash the server before.
    2: All keys and IPs that were previously used to crash the server were permanently banned.
    3: I could join the server just fine.
    4: You tell me I don't know how Ip bans and VPNs work.

    A VPN does not give me some super fucking magical ban dodging power. If the IP I'm using to connect to the server (which is the VPN's IP, my own has nothing to do with this entire story, and has never been used by me nor has been ever connected to your servers) has been banned before, I should NOT be able to connect to the server. So if I'm being told that my IP was banned before, but yet I could connect, is it really weird for me to call bollocks on that?

    I don't think you know how anything on the internet works, judging from your replies.

    Also the way you talk i assume you're lying to us regarding your first visit / real identity.

    You fock'n wot m8. Should I put on a different accent?

    And no its not okay to ban you, nobody said that explicitly.

    Thank you.

    If I missed anything, or did not explain this well, I'm sorry. This post got way too long, and I really don't want to read it over. Just trust me on the facts that I've played CoD4 for over 6 years, have hosted servers in the past and currently work as linux server administrator and have my own VPNs set up.

    I'd appreciate the unban now ty :)

    So you're telling me you banned 400 people on the same IP who were causing this, but somehow left that IP unbanned so I could connect on it? This does not seem plausible at all to me. You also state that you have no idea what is causing the crashes, but yet claim a 99% success rate. What the fuck do you base that on? Let me tell you something, the more likely thing is that your 99% are people who couldn't be bothered making posts like I did, and just went to another server. Simply because I made a post about it, doesn't make your other bans right, as you stated, the crashing did not stop, you kept banning people.

    You also state that the server seems to crash when someone joins. This does not happen on any other server to me, if you want to draw logical conclusions, you might want to look in the mirror and figure out what the hell you fucked up instead of pointing fingers and banning people calling them retards.

    Your list of 'facts' and 'logical' conclusions is a list of assumptions based on thin air. You have 0 proof for me doing ANYTHING and you have no idea why your server crashes, yet it is okay to ban me :) Sure.

    not a crime but a bit obv. A vpn often implies that someone wants to do shit ;-)

    I guess someone who's up to no good would use a VPN, but they are most commonly used to bypass internet restrictions, access foreign content and rerout your packets. So no, not really.

    why you use a VPN?

    I have a really shitty ISP, my ping is through the roof when I don't, and sometimes a VPN is the ONLY way my net will work. I think it's some routing related issues, but I now have my net set up so I get on VPN by default :) Not a crime I think?

    I use the normal 1.7 Cod4, and have been playing this game for over 6 years. I never had ANY issues at all. I recently took a break for over a year, but I'm using the same installation and everything. I can also join other server just fine. I don't think there's any indication that I'm causing the crashes, and if theres a previous ban on my IP, thats weird, since i have't played for over a year (as I said).

    I just got picked randomly by your admin because I think I just joined after the crash or something, I really don;t know why I got banned.

    All people here seem to think they can just blame people for crashing servers when they seem to have no technical background whatsoever (based on replies), nor any evidence to back their claims...

    I read another unban thread, and saw some topic telling me how to make an unban thread. I'm really sorry if I'm actually the first one around here to read shit like that before posting without using my brain. And as i said before, I don't care if you think I'm insulting people. I'm just a fucking normal player, and I don't take this game seriously. The people who SHOULD however, your admins, ban with reasons like 'retard'. Justifies calling him incompetent I think. :)

    well, he made a mistake, but is that a reaso to call one of our members an


    If I get banned with reason 'retard', I think I can call him that yes. He's supposed to be the professional here, not me.

    No stats page, no alias, no geo like unhashed.
    So, no unban.

    What. Try again and now with solid proof maybe?

    Hello, I got banned from your CJ server.

    It is the first time I joined your CJ, I found it on GameTracker and an admin banned me. When I looked on the website I saw this in chatlogs:

    As i said, this is my first time on the server, and I don't really think admin should call me retard for no reason and ban me for no reason. Server crashing? WTF? Maybe fix your servers but don't ban me for 'retard' when I just joined the server.

    Give me any proof that I crashed your servers (lol) or unban me and stop making incompetent cunts admins, this really looks bad for your server and community as a whole, I hope it's a onetime thing for you.

    My guid is: a7b85468
    IGN: Kippy