Beiträge von Ethaxx

    You can all fuck yourselves, I'm giving up with this now shit community as they cant notice who is good and who is cheating. Just because i humiliated an admin in a final kill and was best on the server at the point doesn't mean you ban them you autistic bunch of moose knuckles. You can all go fuck yourselves

    ughh, i give up there is no winning, your going to lose "good" players if you ban them just because they got a kill that was really good a member in chat went hax lol but that means he is joking just because i shot an admin i get banned.

    I honestly will record all my game play from now on and upload it to you tube if i have to cause i dont like being called a hacker im really against hacking. I like these servers they are good fun and have good community.

    It upsets me that you honestly think i was hacking when i heard your footsteps.

    i went up the stairs at the back and then heard something bellow so i jumped down and went prone at door so if you wernt there you couldn't see me from the other side of map. I dont use mods if i did why would i go trough all this to play again...

    My GUID IS: F29C0538
    My reason for bann is "Wallhack"
    banning admin is UIS: 0

    As i was playing on the nuketown 24/7 i saw a player in the window. As i go round the back of the building i hear footsteps bellow me. so i jumped back of the balcony and went prone and waited at the door, i shot the player and won the round, a player said hax in the chat and then i was banned.

    This is one of my favorite servers and one of my favorite clans to play with i would hate to be banned for being visually aware in a game.