I don't want to be an asshole or anything, but this whole editor thing is bullshit, because you don't need to be in the team to be an editor, there are more people that do edits for wcd. Arkani has been one of them, but xpayne also did two edits and there might be more, but I can't think of anyone right now. Even if Arkani doesn't get in the team, he should still be free to create content for cj.
And to be really honest the 'I want to join to help people' reason is kind of useless since everyone uses it and in my eyes speaks for itselfs when you want to join the team. But that's not Arkani's fault.
I also think Arkani is gonna be one of those players that actually spends most of his time in the 3xP servers and not be like others (who I will NOT mention out of respect) and join 3xP and never show up again.
Sorry for the kind of harsh reply but I think it had to be said.
Good luck with your app Arkani