Beiträge von HawK

    I don't know any csgo skins so I can't make any suggestions but I think black pearl looks nice and also the asiimov in another color :P

    edit. A suggestion from me could be wasteland rebel, prolly only skin I know and I think it's really cool :D

    Emerald would be cool too if add some black on it, now it's just too much imo :)

    Hm, copy paste didn't worked for me..

    The vsync option is in geforce control panel ( not geforce experience ) under 3d settings or something , select game in the list and the option should be there.

    stats reset, I don't know if it works but try make a new profile and copy your files from current profile to the new

    edit.. if you still have the files somewhere before it got reset ;)

    You can basickly copy whole game from old pc and just paste it in new one and it should work... the only problem is you need to download dirextx 9 manualy cuz win 8/10 ddnt support it. So find a way to ahrd instal directx and you should be good to go.

    This doesn't work, you need to install it on the new pc.. Drag and drop only works between different drives on same computer.

    Even tho you have a key, it's illegal to download a torrent with cod ithink, this is how it is in Sweden, but our laws might be different :)

    I got another idea not sure it's good tho :)

    I thought something like a reportbind, !report <player> <reason> , that can be used by anyone in the servers and the reports will appear on the reported players banlist.

    when someone applies or whatever, it's easy to see if he/she behaved bad when there wasn't any trusted/member on.

    There would be alot of false reports saying a player is hacking ofc but I think it could be useful if someone are throwing insults or behaves bad since you will get a timestamp and you can easily check the chatlogs.

    The reports shouldn't be taken too serious since everyone are able to report, but I think it could be an useful feature to have :)

    I'm writing from my phone so I apologize if there are any mistakes :P

    How about putting some restriction for normal players at statspage, with a login for trusteds/friends/members?
    I cant really understand why normal players should need access to example chatlogs, especially when PM:s are displayed there. Just a thought :)

    Very big improvement from what it is now :)

    Logging every kill with weapon, time, bodypart, wouldn't this be extremely huge and hard to search the log?

    Only suggestion I have is to add the autobans into banlist :)

    again, this sounds really good :D

    Imo, there should be possible for 'noobs' to respawn more times, maybe up to level 10 or something? Level 5 or below could respawn 10times and lvl 5-10 like 3times or something?
    Kinda like the save/load system in CJ.
    I guess it's not fun for any noob to die on 1st/2nd jump in dr to then spec the rest of jumpers for 5minutes..

    Maybe that's one of the reasons why many players leave, that they're bored of just watching other people playing? Just something that I've thinked about.. The players who plays DR might have a better view in this :)

    Are you applying for Member or CJ-Team?
    If you're applying for Member, it should be written here

    You also forgot the link to your statspage, you can find it here by searching your name or guid

    Goodluck on app :)

    I rather find a map enjoyable than looking good.
    When speaking of mp_race, I think it looks nice, it has a very clean look.

    I hope to see more maps from Noob and rest of the mappers :)

    Really nice script, very nice idea to add :)

    Also I like the eventual rank system where one rank get admindeagle etc.. For the ranks you should add a rank for the superdupertryhards too, I currently have 2.2k hours :P

    If you're thinking of adding f.e ggun to a rank, Is it possible to make that the time only counts when you're actually playing and not only being in spec? Or maybe that the time will pause if you havent touched any key in 10min?
    I'm sure that alot of players will just farm hours in spec if they know they will get a ggun from it.

    No i told him that he was hacking but he replied after 10 min saying give me proof

    Thats not really true. Sure, I answered abit late, I had about 15minutes to play and instantly when I join you started to say hes hacking ( which I hear alot even if its not true )
    You expect the admins to ban the "hacker" right when he comes in, cant do that, I need to be sure he is hacking.

    Why would he? it's not like it's his job to spot hackers and ban them no it's totally our duty to do it

    No its not your duty to spot hackers, but as you can read above I need to be sure that a player is hacking before I can ban him.
    Its possible to spot hackers without being in spec ;)

    Okey so i bought new pc so heres my new

    CPU - i7 5820K, Cooled with Corsair h110i GTX
    Motherboard - MSI X99a SLI PLUS
    Graphicscard - ASUS GTX780 DC2 OC ( Temporary )
    RAM - 4x4GB HyperX Fury 2133mhz DDR4
    Case- Phantek enthoo pro
    SSD- some kingston 120gb, M.2 slot
    Powersupply - EVGA Supernova 650GQ
    1TB Caviar Black

    Accessories still the same, except that i bought a Qpad QH-90 headset

    Imagequality poor, link since the image got huge - Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet