Beiträge von HawK

    Still a yes from me, from what I saw it was provocations from baddy and Arkani mostly tried to ignore it ( this is what I've seen and idk what happened more that I didn't see ) however, baddy is still in 3xp even tho he behaved kinda bad at some times.

    I've never seen any bad behaviour from Arkani (except this fight between him and baddy). And it was arkani that acted most mature in this fight in my pov, he would also be a good addition to the team with his mapping, edits etc.

    To clarify, I'm neither at baddys or arkanis side, I'm just telling how I saw everything

    Yes, ofcourse.
    What I meant was that instead of making a 5min long edit you could do something easier, or maybe another content like cs. I think a big reason beside motivation is lack of time, and with a shorter/lighter edit it might be easier to keep the episodes coming each week.

    And you know editing is not for 3xp only, so do I, but do the non-3xp players at our servers? ;)

    This it not just related to cj, but I want to post this anyway:
    that's one of my personal motivation problems. I'm a person who wants to see people using the stuff I/we made (cj mod, stats page, movie mod). As leader of this clan I'm able to see the graphs for website and server activity and it makes me very sad to see a decreasing graph over the years.

    Also a lack of other cod4 modders in our clan makes me feel sad. It's much more fun to talk with people who have also ideas and are able to implement themself.

    I think the main problem here is that many people don't even know about it, on server there are a very few players who know about the statspage I think..

    How about put a box that you have to click away manually on the screen telling players about our YouTube channel, statspage and forum? The box could show up like every 10th time you join the server or something, or maybe after x hours? ( at a mapchange or player idle ofc so it doesn't bother players game if they're speedrunning etc )

    Another small change I would do if I was the one who decided would be to produce videos to YouTube continuesly. As it is now we have ywcd, but it's being released every 2nd week. For me it doesn't have to be a sick edit every week, just anything with cod content ( a cool bounce, some bhops or whatever )

    You could also request edits from the players on the server who aren't in the editing team. Same with the demos, it actually makes me kinda sad to see there's almost only players from 3xp who is being in the edits, would be fun if some "noob's" jumps also will be provided.. I can totally understand the editors tho, that when they put alot of effort to make a good edit, they probably want the harder jumps as possible to make the edit look even more sick :)

    Beside this, I agree with the guys above, there are many good points in this thread!

    Wrote this text from my phone and there are most likely many mistakes, I hope you will be able to read it anyway :D