Beiträge von gamias

    i mean it in the good way :P ...i can spend 10 rounds on ktk trying to kill someone specifically just to bust his balls...of course this only happens when there is someone trying the same thing...the word fun for lige and me is a bit difficult to discribe :evil:

    well you all say that i am a bit introvert...i can't argue with that. When there is something funny going on i will
    join the conversation and troll you in my unique way. Beside that i don't really like to speak when there is no actual reason just so people can hear me.I prefer to have mini conflicts with players and start a personal war ingame ( u can ask @ligero999 :D) instead of saying cheap and meaningless things...I respect all opinions as long as they are justified, and i would appreciate when someone says that i am not good enough to join the 3xp team, to underline what exactly i am doing wrong in order to know if can do it better or if i am totally incapable and should stop wasting everybody's time... ^^

    The size of letters sometimes stops working.As for the colours in my app...well i am a little fairy. Argue that :saint:

    Hi everyone.

    My ingame name is Gamias and i'm here to apply as a trusted player #1.

    here are the requirements:
    - Have an overall playtime of over 60 hours on our servers. 497.4 and still counting
    - Have a friendly and respectable behavior. That is for others to decide.But i believe i am being too polite even in cases i shouldn't, and trustworthy by a lot of respected players.
    -Know how to handle some power. I don't apply to bully newcomers and stuff.I only want some smooth and fun gaming on my favorite server.
    - Being able to write an application that is understandable and hasn't got 2 spelling mistakes per word. That's also for u to decide.

    My file is ~~> 3xp stats

    Well as about me....
    My real name eisai Tasos. I am 24 years old and i live on the beautifull and known for its hospitality,malaka and souvlaki, Greece. To be more precise i live in a suburb of Athens. I am currently studing computer engeenering and i am on my 6th year (i obviously having too much fun time
    :thumbup: ). My hobbies are computer gaming, a bit of coding, animes and of course women. I can watch One piece and play computer games for 3 days in a row (personal record so far) but "fps games" will always be the chosen ones (right now i 've downloaded ps1 simulator to revive my childhood trying some moh,crash bandicood, medievil and others ...) . I like the hard way when i play, so u ll find me rushing as a guard and headshoting as an assasin from a tough spot. I read and accepted the rules and decided to apply because sometimes the game isn't always running smoothly. Sometimes there is someone who is being a ballbreaker, or sometimes its the system that is hurting my feelings (check lolzor vote ratio....gosh). I dont like to overdo it when it comes to power, only in rivalry and specially on headshots. I can join ts or xfire but i prefer to communicate thought the forum since i may write properly but definitely i sound funnier. I haven't done any searching on already trusted players in order to list you who i believe would vouch for me, so here are some of the people with whom i share mutual respect:

    ~ @ligero999 ~
    @-Surviv0r- ~
    @ToxicPotato ~
    @Reznov ~
    @djoonas ~
    @Paul ~
    @none ~
    ~ jghjkh ~
    ~ Hausmeister ~
    @N00bKurosaki ~
    @IHDI ~
    and last but not least ~
    @Rhoyder ~

    edit note:List updated

    Thank you in advance for reading...Thumbs up everybody :thumbsup: btw someting is wrong with the size option...SORRY :P

    well they say about tridoknight that he hacks too... so what? Just because i am a better player than the average i should get banned?...Upload the video and tag the timepoints that u saw something strange.

    Name : Gamias
    GUID : cdf45239

    I got banned on KTK server by Kurosaki
    I think map was Dome
    reason 1.1 wallhack

    I have been playing 9 months on this server and
    i cant find any actions that were bannable.

    You can also ask Surviv0r/ligero999 if i am cheating....