gd vid, but not even a triple hop ????????????
Beiträge von fre4kZ
TL:DR anyone? This nearly beats FrisbeeSky's posts, length wise
Game is old, I suck, no motivation, it doesn't worth to be good, too much grind, no time, map is outdated, Do0d1e
I hope that's TLDR enough
U okay matey? Maybe u need to rub one out..
Yeah, I had an amazing and very productive day, so I'm pretty chill right now.
I believe I owe a long-coming explanation regarding mp_dark_final. So I made the preview video around 2 years ago, where I initially promised it'd be coming soon, planning it to be released a couple months apart from that point. This was obviously an overly optimistic goal, which, deep down, I didn't honestly expect myself to fulfill within the given time-range. Then I kept making promises about release dates, never actually being able to fulfill the promises due to personal reasons... yadda yadda... point is, it's all awkward as fuck. Question may arise, why in the hell is it so hard to make/finish such a map.... Why can't you just wrap it up.... Why do we have to wait an eternity?
The answer is rather complicated. The dark maps were never about just being " x + 1 " maps down the line with all the other maps being released. They were meant to stand out in terms of difficulty, in fact 1st and 3rd dark were by far the hardest maps upon release and the 2nd was amongst top 3 hardest maps, as well. With time passing it's obviously harder and harder to achieve such goals regarding mapping, because the skill cap rises, the game evolves, people get better. Initially, back then, dark final was already the hardest map, but It wasn't THAT much harder, than the current metagame, so I'd consider it worth to be released already. I wanted it to be unimaginably hard. This was the time I got accepted into university and my life had changed from the core, because I've started living alone also etc.
Let's face it, these insane hard maps are not "fun" in the sense of flow of gameplay. They are not fun to play, but they aren't about being fun to play. They're about giving you that mind-blowing epiphany/relief from beating bounces you would never have imagined you'd be able to do. This feeling , in my opinion, outweighs all the casual fun you can possibly have from completing mediocre maps. For this reason, I wouldn't want to make a map, which is hard enough already so it's absolutely unfun to play, yet it's not hard enough so it'd thrive to be the hardest possible map. Pretty much all the 16-17/20ish maps fall into this category, imo. It's like, they're aids as fuck to play, yet you haven't really achieved too much if you finished them, you just completed an aids map that's nowhere near considered to be epic hard, it's just.. hard. It probably has very gay techniques, but nothing too advanced. It's just a grind. I don't want a grinder map, I want a revolutionary map. Is dark_final hard enough to fit these requirements as it is right now?...... Absolutely fucking no, this is the harsh reality. Would I want to release a map with Kie, which is just not hard enough to be even possibly considered as the hardest map? No thanks. I mean, it's not my call at the end of the line, obviously, since Kie is the one creating the bounces in radiant.
"Then what the fuck are you doing in all of this?" Well, my role in this... at the time Kie wasn't really good at the game, because he had just returned and I was solo testing and adjusting every single bounce and giving suggestions as to how to change and improve them, giving design ideas and Kie was actually designing and creating the map in radiant. Kie said he considers my work as to be half of the whole process. I was, obviously, also going to promote the map throughout walkthrough, giving it exposure. Obviously I'm not the owner of the "rights" or however you want to call it, I am just a co-creator of the map in a sense.
I had lost interest in the game for reasons I've already explained here:…s/?postID=33949#post33949
In order for me to achieve the goals I have set for this map, back then, which for it to be mind-blowingly hard, I'd need to get good at the game again. If I want to be honest, it's not that hard. I'd just need to actively play for a few weeks, also kind of... "tryhard", if you wanna call it that. I'd get back on track in no time, i'm very confident. But.. It's not really about getting good again. Getting and being good at this game 10 years apart of it's release, with all the tools available to you, is not really a strong feat in my opinon. The hard part, the actual hard part is... having true motivation, which I just do not have. I do not see the a strong future for this game, this doesn't mean I don't love the game. This is the best game/mod I've ever played, I wish it was popular and succesful, but it's just nowhere near as popular where I'd consider putting in the required amount of hours, I was putting back then, when I was younger. I don't consider myself a casual gamer, I've never truly enjoyed playing anything casually. If i play something, I'm going to fucking tryhard my ass off till I'm the best. There is no middle way for me. This is the reason I have never been able to "come back" after my initial quitting in 2013. I have never found motivation to be strong enough to keep me playing, because I can't play if i'm not thriving to be the best.
I want this map finished, but I personally don't really have the time/motivation to be good again, so I could finish this map. The only active player I'd trust with finishing the map, is Do0d1e (Sardonyx), because he is by far the best currently. He said he doesn't really plan to play too much after he's finished with helping para create mp_edge_v2 (which I'm creating the walkthrough for btw). so I have no idea how this map is going to get released. Right now it's literally impossible, and imbalanced, so basically unplayable.
"So.. all this talk, but when is it actually going to get out?"
I have no fucking clue, it'll get out when I get motivation to be good at this game, which may.. never happen if it's up to me. Maybe next year I wake up on a beautiful morning and I feel like... "fuck i miss this game, i'm going to tryhard a bit" and I get good and maybe I decide to work on this project, maybe not. It's just how it is, honestly.
Your best bet playing this map is probably keep nagging Do0d1e so he'd decide he wants to take on this project and give his everything (which he already has been doing with edge v2, so I'd understand if he didn't want to) and finish it.
If Kie has different plans, I'll respect that, as it's his brainchild and he is the main author of the project.
Thanks for taking your time to read this and I'd like to apologise for all the confusion I've created past 1-2 years.
CoD4x solved it, thanks everyone for input.
Not only i'm forced to use windows 10 now, but cod4x as well ://
Thanks Jayme, I'll try it when I get home
I've just recently got a new computer and I can run pretty much any game at the highest settings with outstanding fps. I've installed CoD4 as well and for some weird reason, my CoD4 FPS is just not stable. Under not stable, I mean that the fps meter is "flickering" between 330-333. If I set it to 500, it's flickering around 500 in a very "stable" manner. I've had cases like this in the past and the I've come to understand there is a tiny difference in performance if your FPS is rock-steady stable compared to this flickering type of "stable". I have newest drivers installed and zero bloatware on my computer. I've experimented changing quality settings in NVIDIA driver, also in CoD4, trying different CFGs and result's always the same, flickering fps. I've also set iw3mp.exe to high priority in task manager, didn't work.
My previous computer was not only rather shitty, it was literally broken, motherboard and CPU were both malfunctioning, yet..... I could still have stable 1000 fps. I wasn't able to run some of new games at low settings even, with this old computer and I can run these games at Ultra settings with my new computer at 100+ fps. I used to have windows 7 all along as I'm a very big fan of this OS, while I absolutely despise windows 8/8.1/10. I was forced to switch to windows 10, because some of the new parts in my new comp is not supported by W7. I believe the cause of the flickering is windows 10 and there may be potentially some kind of workaround I'm not seeing.
So my question is: Has anyone experienced this? Does anyone know anything you need to do in windows 10 for it to be working well with CoD4?
Cheers for any input
Everyone is lazy in CJ
I'm actually in the process of getting a new smartphone and I'll most likely get S8, too
thread has been helpful, was kinda undecided.
No, it's very clear. I took inspiration from that video.
Kie was going to be one of the main performers in Extreme 1 and I was looking for an idea for name tags, so I asked him if it was cool with him. That video has only 1 person with 1 flag, so I thought a video, with name tags like that, with performers from so many countries, would be a great addition and use the idea's potential to full. Just to be clear, this idea with flags has been done in promod oriented videos before any kind of cj video, so it's not like a mega original idea to begin with.
There's a difference between shameless copying and taking artistic inspiration. We all take inspiration from eachother, that's how we build our core style for all kinds of things.
Also storm, extreme vid's overall probs. have like 30k+ views, that video has 1500, so technically speaking they almost surely took the idea from ext. series, just sayin
But I guess it's necessary pointing out pointless things in a meme oriented page just to make me appear negatively.
thought this was frisbee sky posting, but no. just some hearthstone professional. ))You're wrong, son. Frisbeesky posts start at 3000 characters.
Ah don't get me wrong, it's still my favorite game as well. It's just getting harder and harder to take this game seriously as the player numbers are declining and the game has reached sort of skill cap, which is really hard to overcome. I'm not saying there isn't more to be done, but at this point the amount of effort required to advance the game to the next stage is simply not worth, because the expected value you get out of this is so incredibly low compared to what you can possibly achieve with this kind of effort in different areas of life, let it be other games or other IRL things. Sure, if you're relatively speaking new, the passion may be still really strong as there is a lot to explore in this universe, which keeps you hooked, but I don't think the game still has the competitive aspect once it had back then. One of the biggest reasons is the fact, there aren't enough new maps, and the ones coming out do not tend to feature new techs/bounces, and even if they do, they are just rather brute-force bounces without any complex ideology behind it. The bounces are the same, map structures are the same, and funnily enough they even look the same in many cases, just featured with different styles of textures. This is a 10 years old game with a relatively speaking small community, and the game hasn't had meta breaking advances since years. It has gotten super stale sadly
P.S: That being said, there are definitely some things I still look forward to (edge v2 for example), and I definitely have some unfinished business with this game (dark final). I just really wish there were more incentive to tryhard, because right now there are almost close to none, without sufficient amount of new content coming out.
arguing over a retro game in 2017
P.S: 10/10 paint skills + effort Kappa
1. mp_dark_v3: CJ-meta reforming hard way(innovative/non-cancer advanced bounces, that evolved the game to the next level), competent intermediate way, perfect length. If someone asked me to state the "all around best map", I wouldn't have anything else on my mind, that's for sure.
2. mp_edge: This map may not be very appealing to the less experienced players, but it honestly feels like an adventure. It has really outstanding design, difficult, but "fair" bounces, endless amounts of shortcuts/possibilities.
3. mp_dark: This is the very first advanced map that changed CJ entirely. I have so many memories tied to this map and even though it's nearly 6 years old, it still holds up in quality. I think this is the "most important" map in CJ history. Many of you probably weren't playing back then in 2011, but the 1st bounce in hard way was the first distance bounce:D They literally didn't exist before that and now maps are consisted of nearly 100% distance bounces, pretty crazy.
4.mp_oerba: I can pretty much say the same as I did next to mp_edge. This map very much feels like the old generation's mp_edge. It's obviously super easy nowadays in this cj meta, but it used to be one of the hardest maps and it's probably one of the most played map ever for it's shortcut possibilities.5. mp_mystic_v2: So many memories tied to this map as well. Contrary to what most people think, I believe this is wez's most compelling and interesting map (not mushroom). That's just personal preference, i guess.
Frisbee, something's been on my mind since long. Every time you merge 2 non-related words into 1 word, a little piece dies in me. I've been following the forums for months, aka reading your books as well, so at this point I can not focus on anything else, but your word-merge habits. Every time I see one, something triggers in me. A few more posts with over 15+ abominations like those and I'm going jump off the closest bridge. Pleast don't let me die
Yes, it's supposed to be released this month.
On a serious note: My exams ended at end of last week, so I'm kinda free now. Tbh I didn't do much past month, mainly due to the fact that I had to do these exams and it was really hard to get myself to work on the map. I know my promises and words don't carry weight at this point, but I'll try to work on it.