deleted User u lock like u could suck a handfull of butterfly unicorns
Edit by UFaced: huehuehue
deleted User u lock like u could suck a handfull of butterfly unicorns
Edit by UFaced: huehuehue
Dont tell me how to live my life dude.
So u just go and call a vote in the 3 round of a perfectly fine-going map full of begginers,and of course we all know they are gonna vote for crash,regardless of the small number of players on the map,by doing that u make 2 or 3 players leave,furthermore "mining the healthy operation of the server" You shoulda thought that thru!
btw moron is not much of an insult, if you are reffering to a person that frankly is a little bit on the "slow" side as you proved many times,moron!
Your "trusted" is constantly calling vote map changes on ktk server,i urge someone to stop him doing it!
His name is tjg roccky
Although I witnessed other members calling low rankeds noobs,and i have a screenshot of member directly insulting me in harshest manner,I dont think your criteria should be based on something someone said, I think most of you will agree with me that the times we call someone noob it is mostly in friendly fashion or for laugh, im sorry if you guys misinterpreted my personality,but thanks for considering me anyway.
Alles anzeigen
In the past I've seen you behave aggressively towards players whether it was because of skill or some other reason. However, this was a while back and I thought I'd mention it in my post.
To name a few I'd say $iwy, rockky, ExcesusNL, and Shae, but this is purely based on my time playing. I do know KTK has many trustees, sometimes I've seen six at a time.
It could, but we'll wait for more input from more people to see if you "learned your lessons".
True, but I think we would get a better picture of your personality if you were to participate on the forum (in my opinion). Also, will you check the forum to keep yourself updated?
Note: You handled some criticism well and I'm actually impressed. Now I'm neutral on the decision. All there is left to say is, let the admins decide and good luck.
[quote='Reznov','']True, but I think we would get a better picture of your personality if you were to participate on the forum (in my opinion). Also, will you check the forum to keep yourself updated?[/quote
Of course I will check the forums,and as far as my personalitiy goes i think majority of you guys (including you) know that im honest,straightforward guy,always ready for a joke and a good laugh.
"Sleight aggression towards "noobs" please explain this?
Many trustees yes,but how many of them are regulary active on the server?
Kick/warn list can be considered a lesson learned,otherwise i wouldnt submit my app.
As for the forum activity,i belive trustees are required to check the forum every now and then to keep themselves updated.
Hello guys,after a long time playing on 3xp Ktk server i decided the time has come for me to apply for trusted member.
My name is Toni, and i come from Croatia, I am 19 years old (29.04 .1996)
My ingame name is JizzInMyPants,
My Stats: 3xP' Clanpage » Home
Primary cause of my application is obtaining some sort of power needed,so I can deal with people who cheat/ruin gameplay.
I am in good relations with alot of trusted members.
My gaming history consists entirely of plying COD series,particulary COD 4.
As far as my private life goes,I am a huge football fan, I also do motocross,offroading ocasionaly.I live in second largest Croatian citiy,Split.
I also enjoy music,playing football,and I am also into cars/car modifying scene and so on.
I have read rules 3xP' CoD4 server rules and if given member I will do my best to follow/enforce them.
Cheers !
My ingame name is JizzInMyPants
GUID: 807b5cb7
Used to be :0b921ba9 before i reinstalled windows
xfire:starscream2904,btw I already added u Ufaced
Zakarai and Toxic posted a screenshot on my behalf,i guess i dont need to repost it.
Edit by UFaced: Done (prestige 15 lvl 40).