Thanks for this!!! Love the update man!
Beiträge von engine
you can use it on nuketown.
Write chat with a # as Prefix and feel the #SWAG
CJ pl0x
Maybe it would be a good idea to change the team chat (Y by default) to a 3xP member only chat. We tend to chat a lot to one another, so we won't talk about everything to everyone.
I thought this would be a nice idea.
Render in 60fps
I need these commands!
Very active guy, helpful & very skilled as well!
Yes! -
Looking forward to it!
Sure, everyone prefers what he wants. I love playing against bot zombies too, but after a time its getting really boring, because bot cant think (espacially zombie bots
Do you enjoy playing Kill the king? Then you would love this Zombie Mod, with its very unique playstyle and its neverending challenge to survive.
- If we are able to create it in cod4Don't get me wrong, I have no hate towards your idea whatsoever and I think it'll be amazing indeed. And yes, I've played some ktk and I do like it
Probably the very advanced movement techniques
I honestly hate them. I can't believe I spent €100 on that game. Whatever, lol.
MGE here but maybe in some days unranked *inactiv because of CoD AW :D*
I wonder what people like about that game, honestly.
(off-topic, sorry) -
I definitely like the idea. Although I think something like bot zombies (cod2) is more enjoyable, as the likelihood of the first zombie leaving is big, due to its massive disadvantages. It's obvious that you put a lot of effort in you idea, which is a great thing and does leave out a lot of questions
Isn't the VIP room checking for guids...?