Beiträge von MainMan

    I have just played on the test server.

    Twice the game didn't start ( we were 3 players) because all was allocated to guards. We waited and not untill a forth player connected the game started. We did play however just two players, then a third connected and it was still fine during the match. But when the next game started it was bugged.

    We experienced the same on the next map. Precisely the same problem.

    The maps were Lolzor and Rust.

    All right - But I got a warning for reconnection as a dog. Of course I can't remember the admin, but I did.
    And no, it's not a polite way because I was angry and it was an unfair TempBan! I'm sure you know the feeling when being treated unfair.

    The info on my screen didn't say a 5 min Tempban!
    First of all I didn't call every single player a noob. I only did it if they played like a noob. I'm sure you will agree on their playing style, you were there.
    Sencondly, you yourself said "no swearing" and I have lost count of all the people who have said "noob", "fuck", "fuk", "retard", "stupid" etc. in CAPS, just in two games. But still your don't ban them? Why is that?
    Sure I said noob a few times, but it's still nothing compared to the other players!
    And I said "never" because, why should I? Is it an offence calling somebody a noob when they clearly play like one?
    Lastly, I didn't see any warning from you. But then again the chat is so filled with people calling others bad things, so I must have missed it. But I still like to know why you don't ban other people or warn them, for breaking far worse rules than me?

    Hi! I just got a TempBan! Why?? Reason said: Stop Annoy! What on earth does that mean?
    I said noob a few times and should that really be a reason? Seriously, there are so many players saying worse things all the time. This must be a personal issue against me as a player. I don't talk down to people or saying anything bad about other players. Others on the other hand other players are way more personal because they get bad scores, but that is really not the issue here.
    Why do I get a TempBan for saying "noob" while others get a free pass for being really degrating against others? A lot of players do reconnects all the time when they are chosen as dog, and gets no warning or kicks at all??
    Come on, server rules must apply to all players! And I haven't overstepped any line!
    I like to get a tempBan lift ASAP!!!!