Beiträge von kizom
Hello guys my name is kizom and all my friends calling me kaizom i'm 17 years old and i'm from Libya.
and my hobbies are: football and swimming and basketball.
My cod4 story: So here's my story first time i have played cod4 was in 2010 at Promod servers i keep it trying to be pro like qlimaxzu and stevy as most of you know them than my friend told me about deathrun and that was deathrun the most likable mod in cod4 than i started playing deathrun since 2012 but i was inactive in 2013 for long time for some computer problems, After i fixed my computer i returned to deathrun and 3xP servers.
Why i wanna be a trusted player?: actually i wanna be trusted player because i want to protect the server from the cheaters and to be a good supporter for who ever need help and to help 3xP to be better and that's all i can say.
and i agree with the rules.
and here's my stats
this was my old stats before inactivity: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
this is my new stats: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
this is my new ktk stats: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
and finally this is my CoDJumper stats: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player DetailsThanks for reading.
My xfire: kizom