MoJe is the only player i insulted cuz she and her bitch hugo insult me just cuz im from iraq and they kept insulting me for a long time so yah she deserve it!
and WB wing!
Beiträge von DARK*PRO
dude say hey bitch to my friend or my brother isn't insulting saying nigga isn't insulting all the time that i say nigga or bitch is on blend or blaze or anyone of my FRIENDS not a normal player that i know nothing about so LEARN the difference +who would believe a nub hacker called genz?
saying that i disrespected players the only player that i disrespected is U!
cuz u don't worth to get respected -
cuz u nabs judge a guy u don't know based on a hacker's opinion u don't even know me u never even played a round with me in DR but u just had to judge a book by it's cover
I never insulted anyone or disrespected anyone u just say No cuz u never saw me in-game,genz says i insult and disrespect all say i disrespect here's a tip OPEN UR EYES ,Each time i i say bitch or nigga is just kidding with my friends,if u don't believe me go ahead and ask other ppl instead of going to the world's biggest lair ,Now u have a good reason that i can't be trusted ,and when i said i get insulted i meant insulted by other people ,people like u and genz ,if u say No i won't get trusted well here's the thing I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ,here's another thing USE UR BRAIN,wanna ban me ? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ,wanna warn/report me I ALSO DON'T GIVE A FUCK ,and don't judge the book from it's cover
ufaced gave me my lvls back Thx man ,my xf is apro50 (based on my first nickname) add when ya can
jimdawg i tried it all only the profile thingy worked all i need is ufaced to open cod4 (i already have him on xfire) so he can give me the lvls back
just tell me when u open (gmt ofc ) so i can send u ss for my DR lvl and my KTK lvl and i tried to just change profiles and it worked all i need is the lvls
im on xfire all day waiting for him..............(no one cares)
and he told me he doesn't play anymore
yes jimdawg i do it on lolzor and small maps ,and ima try HD's way but i don't think ufaced still plays cod4
Hey guys this is your "LAZY BITCH" .i got a bugg in ktk that i can only choose 2 hard points instead of 3 that all started when i removed smoke to put care package ,when i removed it it didn't give me a point to put the care package so i had to spend a day without care package
(lie i went to play DR xD)
plz find a fix for my horrible problem (it's not that bad) -
thx wing and the proof is i was talking to blaze and i told him about the lags and after few moments i got banned so that's a proof that i had fps lags and THEG18 was also playing and he saw my fps lags if u want ask them
take your time i won't play today till 3/4 pm for me (6/7)
i'm a bit busy today
and just to make sure , i will get my lvl back right?
****************FIGHTING ME IS LIKE BOXING WITH SHADOWS****************
ty moe, since lots of admins/players/members are checking my application i would love to say that
plz reply soon
it's ok rodnex we all make mistakes that's why we are human (only wing isn't)
ima go woop world's ass and come back -
oh and about the insulting thing 2 guys insulted me to day (fuck u bitch,mother fucker,and sht like that) cuz i shot an activator that activated
name: [A5O]MoJe and something_Warrior
Well sadly grvty is right i did get banned that's cuz my noob brother was using my pc and hacking (DARK LORD) and he got banned by rubbin sky
so i changed my cd key
Yes from me
lol thx drsi