Beiträge von Jello

    Since I was banned from ktk and it banned me on everything can I at least be unbanned from Deathrun? Thats the only thing I mainly play and some cod jumper but all I want is unban from deathrun please you can keep me banned from every other 3xp but I just want deathrun please.

    Yes sorry for replying so late but my in game name is Jello.psd I got banned when I was on nuke town on ktk i was on top in a building protecting the king with a shotgun and and 3 people ran up there so I killed all 3 of them and then I got kicked and I don't know why something called silent aim.

    I was on kill the king and I got banned for something called silent aim which I don't know what that is and it banned me from every server and I really just want to get back on deathrun so please can some one help me out.