Beiträge von Pawz

    So Hawk you view yourself as bad, from what i read.
    I think you're too hard on yourself.

    I don't want to make "not good" people seem meaningless.
    And i do agree that "not good" people will keep
    a good atmosphere since they're active,
    but i also mentioned earlier that CJ Skill
    is not something static, so you do progress
    when you're actually being active.
    Thus at some point you will actually get better,
    which i haven't seen from said members at all.

    You don't see pros helping out people in easy
    is not related to their CJ skill but to their
    unhelpful egocentric personality.

    What negative points do i see about accepting
    "not good" people into the team?
    That we are not making progress with our team.
    This is a hard statement, because how do you
    define progress?
    You could say increasing our member number,
    is some kind of progress.
    You could also say having friendly people
    is progress. But where does this progress
    lead us to? Nowhere.
    This is running in circles and eventually
    one after one member is quitting and there
    goes the team, like in Styx f.e. .
    Progress for me is a constant activity of
    the yt-channel and a much higher amount
    of people atleast trying to do some maps.
    This content will create more attention,
    which will then lead to more popularity.

    Now you might think that people who join
    the team have a higher motivation in
    everything CJ related, like you mentioned earlier.
    I disagree.
    From what i've seen so far, it's the opposite.
    Back then people were hyped if they're gonna
    get accepted but once they were in the team
    the magic hype just vanished and they were
    instantly bored or played much less.
    As a matter of fact there are exceptions but not many.

    I agree with you Mirko, good and friendly people
    do create a good atmosphere, obviously?
    But how is this connected to this topic?
    I said that a good personality is taken
    for granted regardless of skill first.
    Additionally why is everyone assuming once
    people are removed they are somehow magically
    muted and banned from the server so they can't
    communicate anymore?
    Literally only the clantags would disappear.
    And as CJ skill is dynamic maybe it would
    reappear at some later point.
    Maybe some (ex)-members would make a drama,
    but then i'm asking why were they in the team
    in the first place.

    Ufaced, you touch an interesting aspect of this
    entire topic.
    First of all non 3xP people are also able to help
    and most of the time if you ask them, they actually
    will. What a surprise.
    Now the problem. Teammembers can teleport to you instantly,
    while normal players cant. You see the time aspect coming up.
    So why wouldnt we just put everyone in team whos able to help
    easy people? This is a barrel without bottom.
    Theres no answer to this because it is impossible to draw
    the line, at which point this makes sense.
    And while i think that the helping aspect is a important one,
    i also do think that it shouldnt be our main aspect as a team.
    The YT people are doing hard work to create walkthroughs for you
    guys and almost noone is using that gift.
    I understand that it's more comfortable to see it in person,
    but its also selfish if people do it all the time without
    checking WT beforehand.

    I dont like to repeat myself over and over again and
    i'm getting the feeling that no one is interested in
    going further as a team but rather stay where we are
    and hang out with each other. Which is perfectly fine.
    This just might not last as long as going forward.

    Thanks for the somewhat reasonable answers.
    You can close this topic now.


    I understand your logic of choosing who is
    "more worthy" for the team.
    But then again there are members who are bad
    and neither do videos or maps.
    So where do these members fit in your
    I've been talking about these members from the start.

    It's hard to draw a line when someone is rated
    a bad player but there's for sure an amount of 5-10
    bad players in 3xP, who additionally
    don't create any content either.
    And i haven't seen them progress over the months.
    So there goes that.


    Answer in spoiler, so you don't have to scroll for 1 hour.

    Thanks for your reply Noob,

    It seems that you're not really seeing my point.
    I'm not saying the team should be solely based on skill.
    I just didn't mention personality in my previous post,
    because i am taking a good friendly personality
    for granted.

    You can have a good personality and skill;
    they do not rule each other out.

    You're explaining why you liked the server
    and that's personality and helpful people.
    Why do you think more advanced people
    with a good personality will avoid helping
    others out? Should these really be in the team then?

    Your entire point is based on the excluded personality-aspect.
    But i don't exclude personality at all.

    About what you said X-Ploz, no i don't consider an elite team
    a good idea at all. This will maybe motivate people to get into
    the elite part of 3xP. But it is not possible to have too much
    people in it even if everyone would create videos and maps,
    since it would lose its meaning, like 3xP did somewhat.

    The longterm goal should be to get a member of 3xP.
    And that is only achieved if the team itself is the elite.
    Again i do not only look for skill, personality is taken for granted.
    Also it's not like people who would get removed are banned from the
    server and can't 'really' join at some later point.

    Best Regards,

    Thanks for the fast replies,

    This IS a complex topic and it affects people directly,
    thats why mostly the majority wouldnt like a change in the system.
    I wouldn't like to kick people either. But some problems arise with this mindset.
    This behaviour reflects in the application system as well.

    At this point, members opinion and even votes do not have
    a significant relevance to the final decision.
    The current feedback shows you if the person is liked by the team,
    and thats basically it.
    It does not reveal anything about their skill, since lower skilled people
    are very much present in the team.
    And it does not reveal about what you mentioned Viruz.
    It is not possible to know if members will produce maps/videos/...

    Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that you're meaningless if you aren't
    very good at CJ or produce any CJ related content.
    But we all know, the skill of people is not something static.
    A perfect example for this is members who had a moderate skilllevel
    when they got accepted in to the team, and now they're at a much more advanced
    level of CJ.
    Now you might ask yourself, if this person would have gotten that far
    without being a member in the team. And that's a good question.
    And i will answer with yes.
    At this point, people do get alot of help by some cooperative members,
    like Noob, Funk, Hawk and all the above average active people.
    So this keeps them playing. Joining 3xP would be something special again.
    And it would provide a longterm goal for people in CJ.

    So what im saying here is that we are accepting people too fast.
    Or they are getting pushed to apply for the team too fast.
    Whatever you want to call it.
    I would like someone to apply if he's really familiar with CJ.

    How is this handled right now? I can only give you my perspective.
    Lets imagine theres a new player on the server which noone knows,
    if he can finish mp_descent or whatever map really in 1 run
    and if the majority doesn't know him, this person will be in the team
    in less than some weeks, given that he actually HAS
    an interest in joining it whatsoever.
    This is just fishing for above-average players and the team
    doesn't really benefit from it.
    It's more like the opposite, the team loses credibility.
    I know your argument, you want to create a group of cool people
    belonging together. Do you really think this is not possible without
    putting everyone in the team instantly ?

    So here's my main point.
    Viruz, you said producing videos,maps,managing events increases
    professionality rather than individual skill of members.
    This is not how it works to be honest.

    The individual members skill of all members taken together
    builds the teams professionality as a whole.
    And producing CJ related content is very much affected
    by the 'real' professionality.
    With more advanced (professional) members, maps AND videos
    will reach higher standards automatically.
    So why wouldn't we try to expand and evolve,
    rather than being stuck in the current system?

    So here you have my thoughts of all this.

    Best Regards,

    Hello everyone,

    now that we've kicked the inactive members, how about we start focusing on higher cj team standards.
    Quality over quantity :) I still vote for the strawpoll option where everyone votes anonymous for other
    members about the position they deserve in 3xP.
    This way we could have the cj team seem a bit more professional by having a smaller group with higher individual skills and standards.
    We've been discussing this with a couple of cj team members and everyone's agreed so far.
    I'm interested in what you guys think about this topic, since barely anyone talks about it actively. However i think it should be adressed.

    Best Regards,