Hi there 3xP' Community!
My name is Michal and I am 16 years old. I'm from Poland but i now live on Norway.
My first play game is CoD4 and as I had 10 years. It maybe a little weird but really. I liked play CoD4 and i will never stop play this game.
Hmm, my first gametypes played is rotu or zombie on CoD4. I'm altso play promod 3vs3 or wars.
I dont know what else to say,but it is enough for now.
I play 1,5 months on 3xP' servers, but i played 1-2 years ago and I'm back and i play most Dr and KTK server. I'm are little skilled.
My clan is sG was created by me. It was created for fun clan for people who like to play for fun. I also have a nice humor to the game... 
I like make script for mods, hmtl and little C++. I now make my project Deathrun Mod. I do not know when I'm done.
When im deciding for Trusted Player I'll keep an eye on the server okay, so everyone had to respect the rules and no cheating prof of the server.
I gladly for part Trusted Player.
- On in-game name is: sG. z1x
- Here's my is stats: 3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
- Xfire: panterser
Maybe my English is not professional but i still wish to train grammar and i train it!
Your favorite z1x